By Kosuke Kuji The last issue covered craft gin. This issue covers craft vodka. When we obtained a license to produce spirits, the spirits we were per...
Chapter 1: What is the Origin of Sake? Introduction Sake production (brewing) requires rice “molded” with rice malt, thus the same classification as C...
By Kosuke Kuji The last issue covered how the coronavirus pandemic inspired our production of craft gin and vodka as a new business. Although the init...
Also, clean and dry sake mild in distinct flavor along with pure sake pairs well with any food. Aromatic sake and refreshing sake pair well with acidi...
By Kosuke Kuji The widespread novel coronavirus depleted supplies of rubbing alcohol across Japan early in the pandemic and created a supply shortage....
Bad pairing refers to the delicious flavor diminished when sake is paired with food. Depending on the combination, the sake flavor may counter the fla...
posted 2022-01-24 12:07
Thank you very much for delicious Wagashi. We will have them at lunch break.
In this issue, let’s discuss the compatibility between sake and Japanese cuisine. The flavor of sake enhances the flavors of Japanese cuisine and vice...
By Yuji Matsumoto This is a trend I’ve recently noticed in the last two to three years, but I’ve noticed a widening division between the winning vs. l...