Did you know that you can set up or own Channel using YouTube? We've all seen many different TV shows. Creating your own YouTube Channel is similar to making your own TV show for your business, and is an easy pathway to guide your viewers/customers to your Channel. Viewers are able "Follow" your Channel, a...
OPINION STAND- DIRECT FEEDBACK FROM CUSTOMERS Hello from Kobe, Japan. I am on a business trip to Japan and I will be back in Seattle next Monday. I wi...
ワンタッチ満足度評価システム 皆様がこのニュースレターをお読みになる頃、私は神戸にいます。シアトルに帰るのは17日の月曜日ですが、今週末は韓国ソウルに行きます。今回のソウル行きはビジネスというよりもビジネスクラスの航空券代を半分にするための裏技なのです。なぜ韓国往復をすると安くなるのでしょうか。 今...
posted 2020-02-08 19:33
ウチクラ ケンイチ
The temperature is still just above freezing in the morning but cherry street are blossoming in Tokyo. The buliding on the left was where I needed to go on the meeting. The tower on the right is Tokyo Tower.
California has a new law regarding how businesses can handle client data online. It’s called California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). EU countries impl...
I had few great meetings today. One in particular gave me an idea how to promote our services. It was a warm day but i hear it will start get cold tomorrow.
INTRODUCTION TO INFORMAKERS Hello, this is Ken Uchikura from Tokyo. Yes, I am on a business trip to Tokyo. I left Seattle yesterday on a direct flight to Tokyo/Narita on a Japan Airlines flight. I used to fly JAL many years ago but they stopped flying to Seattle so I moved to Northwest Airlines which is now DELTA. For a f...
今週のブログルユーザーランキングの発表です。 今日はトップ100ユーザー様の発表です。 1神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコンVisit 2神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み)神戸のおいさんVisit 3my favoritebirdyVisit 4いつまでも起業家 Forever Entreprene...
This is a last day for one J-Visa trainee from Japan. He was new 18 months ago, now he is one of the best network and server team member. We will miss him. We had lunch with with him.
Love Hotel The term “Love Hotel” refers to a type of hotel where you rent a room based on hours. It is a very common type of hotel in Japan. However, ...