One of the most difficult parts of owning and running a small business is standing out from the competition. But the great thing about having a small business is the space to be creative and try new things. In a bigger company, it’s hard to make big changes because it has to go through so many people before it gets appr...
A vital part of maintaining a successful business is cultivating meaningful relationships. Loyalty from your customers is essential to build a truly sustainable brand. Sales transactions are great, but what you’re really looking for as a business owner are customers who continually come back. It shows people that your bran...
今週、弊社はLoud Nerds のベータ版をリリース致しました。IT の専門的知識やスキルを持つプロフェッショナルな方と、そういった人材を探している方とを結びつけるサービスです。フリーランサーや小規模のテック系企業が新しいお客様とつながるための新しい手段として活躍できればと考えております。ベータリ...
This week we released the beta version of Loud Nerds, an online directory for technical professionals specifically designed to showcase their services to prospective employers. During this initial beta launch, we are focused on populating the system to include talented tech professionals seeking work, regardless of their speci...