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Herbsprout is a webblog and podcast dedicated to sharing the health benefits of herbs, food, innovations related to our gut microbiome. Herbsprout seeks to bridge the vast chasm dividing the mainstream medical community and alternative medicine.

Naturally produced hydrogen peroxide keeps our gut healthy; 自然に生成された過酸化水素は人間の腸を健康に保ちます。

Naturally produ...
We know not all microbes in our body are good for us. Some can be harmful. In the case of the lining of our colon an enzyme protects us by releasing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), according to scientists at the University of California (UC) Davis Health.

A November 2020 report by Neuroscience News says this is how microbiota is kept clear of our mucous filled colon surface, thus preventing potential pathogens from forming on the lining. The discovery was made by lead author Andreas Bäumler, professor of medical microbiology and immunology at UC Davis Health.

This research points to yet another study that suggests shifting focus away from treatments by targeting bacteria to restoring the environment'so normal function.


体のすべての微生物が私達にとって良いわけではないことを知っています。一部は有害である可能性があります 。
カリフォルニアデービスヘルス(UC Davis Health)大学の科学者によると、結腸の内壁の場合は、酵素が過酸化水素(H2O2)を放出することによって保護します。

2020年11月Neuroscience Newsのレポートによると、これは、微生物叢が粘液で満たされた結腸表面から離れた状態に保たれ、潜在的な病原体が内層に形成されるのを防ぐ方法です。この発見は、主執筆者である医療微生物学および免疫学の教授であるアンドレアス・バウムラーによって行われました。


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Treatment of diabetes tied to specific gut bacteria strains; 糖尿病治療は腸内細菌の特定な菌株に関連しています

Out of the trillions of bacteria residing in our gut, scientists now know there are specific strains that positively affect treating type 2 diabetes, leading to the possibility of probiotic treatment for the disease.

Research led by Natalia Shulzhenko, an associate professor of biomedical sciences at Oregon State University and co-author Andrey Morgun found that bacteria influencing our personal health are not only those that have been identified as "keystone species", according to a January 07 2021 report by Medical News Today, and therefore, is often unique to the individual.

Scientists found down the list to four bacteria that appeared to play a key role in reducing or intensifying the harmful effects of a Western diet: Lactobacillus johnsonii, Lactobacillus gasseri, Romboutsia ilealis, and Ruminococcus gnavus. They found how gut bacteria influences the way a person metabolizes glucose and lipids. For example, L. johnsonii and L.gasseri showed to improve glucose tolerance.

These findings might help develop treatments for type 2 diabetes, say the authors.




科学者は、西洋型食生活の有害な影響を軽減または強化する上で重要な役割を果たしていると思われるLactobacillus johnsonii, Lactobacillus gasseri, Romboutsia ilealis, and Ruminococcus gnavus 、4つの細菌にリストを絞り込みました。

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More links to food and our gut health

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According to a January 15 2021 report by Medical News Today, researchers identified 15 gut microbes associated with lower risks and 15 with higher risks for common illnesses, like diabetes and heart disease.

The study identified links between certain food products and gut bacteria and biomarkers of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and impaired glucose metabolism, which are all recognized risk factors for severe COVID-19, says the article.

A recent January 11 2021 New York Times article quoted Dr. Sarah E. Berry, a nutrition scientist at King’s College London whose research studied the diet of over a thousand individuals. The study found that diet full of highly processed foods with added sugars, salt and other additives had serious negative health effects.

Researchers agree that no "one diet fits all". The Times article quotes Dr. Andrew T. Chan, a co-author of the study and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital: “There is a lot of variation,” pointing out that the same diet can have completely different outcomes between individuals.

Examples of “good” strains identified by the study include Prevotella copri and Blastocystis, both of which reduce the risk of heart disease.

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Can fluoride stem growing concern of antibiotics in our synthetic biology world?

Can fluoride stem growing con...
The dangers around overusing antibiotics is not new to the scientific community, as the number of antibiotic-resistant microbes increase. These unwanted microbes are developing resistence to the antibiotics, diminishing their therapeutic efficacy. Researchers are concerned not only about its negative influence on our body such as our gut microbiome, but also the impact these synthetically engineered microbes have when released into the environment.

In a January 04 2021 article in Science Daily, UC Santa Barbara chemical engineer Michelle O'Malley points out that "with the advent of synthetic biology, there is increasingly a risk that things we're engineering in the lab could escape and proliferate into ecosystems where they don't belong."

A process developed by Justin Yoo, a former graduate student researcher in O'Malley's lab, found that fluoride can eliminate this problem. Microbes that escape into the natural environment would die as soon as it encounters fluoride, thus preventing propagation, according to the Science Daily article.

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Gut may be involved in Covid 19

Gut may be involved in Covid 19
There is mounting evidence suggesting that our gut microbiome is involved in the Covid 19 disease, according to a January 04 2021 report released publicly in the BMJ's (British Medical Association journal) Gut, based on research by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The study samples and records of 100 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. The study found that the microbiome composition was significantly altered in patients with COVID-19 compared with non-COVID-19 individuals, according to BMJ. Researchers found that covid 19 patients had a significant deficiency of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Eubacterium rectale and bifidobacteria. These gut bacteria species are known to keep our gut health in balance. Its deficiency results in dybiosis.

Moreover, these patients also experienced unusually high concentrations of cytokines and other inflammatory markers accepted by the medical community. Covid patients continue to experience dysbiosis long after their recovery.

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Bacteria and milk in Kefir depend on each other for survival

After studying 15 kefir samples, the researchers discovered to their surprise that the dominant species of Lactobacillus bacteria found in kefir grains cannot survive on their own in milk -- the other key ingredient in kefir. However, when the species work together, feeding on each other's metabolites in the kefir culture, they each provide something another needs.

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Rare earth elements can be extracted by bacteria

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Another break gut microbiome and health, a study of the bacteria Sphingomonas desiccabilis by Dr. Charles S. Cockell, a professor of astrobiology at the University of Edinburgh, was able to separate rare earth elements from rock, according to a November 11 2020 New York Times article by Kenneth Chang. In the test, Cockell and his associates with help from the European Space Agency, used S. desiccabilis to increase the amount of rare earth elements extracted from the basalt by roughly a factor of two.

The team tested this at the space station, where Luca Parmitano, a European Space Agency astronaut, placed some of the S. desiccabilis in a centrifuge spun at speeds to simulate Mars or Earth gravity, and in zero-gravity environment.

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Gut microbiome connection to sleep

Gut microbiome connection to s...
Medical News Today reported December 24 2020 new research from Japan's University of Tsukuba that gut bacteria helps create important chemical brain messengers such as serotonin and dopamine, positively impacting one's sleep patterns.

"We found that microbe depletion eliminated serotonin in the gut", according to Prof. Masashi Yanagisawa quoted in the Medical News Today article.

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