Sen kyū hyaku roku jū nen rokugatsu jū ichi nichi ni, Nippon de wa kugatsu ichi nichi o bōsai no hi to suru to seiteisaremashita. Kugatsu ichi nichi wa, sen kyū hyaku ni jū san nen ni Kantōdaishinsai ga hasseishita hi de aru totomoni, taifū shi-zun o mukaeru jiki no hajimari no" ni hyaku jū nichi" ni ataru toiu riyū de, taifū gōu jishintō no saigai nitsuite no ninshiki o fukame kore ni taishosuru kokorogamae o junbisuru hi to natta sō desu.
On June 11, 1960, the day September 1st was designated as Disaster Prevention Day in Japan. September 1st was the day of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, and as “Nihyaku Toka (210th day),” it marked the beginning of the typhoon season, and became a day to deepen awareness of disasters such as typhoons, torrential rains, and earthquakes, and to prepare ways to deal with them.
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