Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 148 日本の祝日(にほんのしゅくじつ)
- 2023/1/1
(日) 元日 - 2023/1/2
(月) 振替休日 - 2023/1/9
(月) 成人 の日 - 2023/2/11
(土) 建国 記念 の日 - 2023/2/23
(木) 天皇 誕生 日 - 2023/3/21
(火) 春分 の日 - 2023/4/29
(土) 昭和 の日 - 2023/5/3
(水) 憲法 記念 日 - 2023/5/4
(木) みどりの日 - 2023/5/5
(金) こどもの日 - 2023/7/17
(月) 海 の日 - 2023/8/11
(金) 山 の日 - 2023/9/18
(月) 敬老 の日 - 2023/9/23
(土) 秋分 の日 - 2023/10/9
(月) スポーツの日 - 2023/11/3
(金) 文化 の日 - 2023/11/23
(木) 勤労 感謝 の日
Holidays in Japan
Japan has many national holidays. Let’s look at the holidays in 2023 to see how many holidays Japan actually has.
- Jan. 1, 2023: New Year’s Day
- Jan. 2, 2023: Substitute Holiday
- Jan. 9, 2023: Coming of Age Day
- Feb. 11, 2023: National Foundation Day
- Feb. 23, 2023: The Emperor’s Birthday
- March 21, 2023: Vernal Equinox Day
- April 29, 2023: Showa Day
- May 3, 2023: Memorial Day
- May 4, 2023: Greenery Day
- May 5, 2023: Children’s Day
- July 17, 2023: Marine Day
- Aug. 11, 2023: Mountain Day
- Sept. 18, 2023: Respect for the Aged Day
- Sept. 23, 2023: Autumnal Equinox Day
- Oct. 9, 2023: Sports Day
- Nov. 3, 2023: Culture Day
- Nov. 23, 2023: Labor Thanksgiving Day
There will be 17 Japanese national holidays in 2023. In 2023, New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday, so the following day is what’s called a substitute holiday. In Japan, there’s a social trend where they have to work without using paid vacations. So, instead, they have holidays, which is why there are so many in Japan. However, since everyone celebrates the same holidays and takes off on the same days, problems like traffic jams occur. Please tell us about holidays in your country.
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