Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 179 LINEを使う(LINEをつかう)

Japanese Online...


さらに、日本(にほん)ではLINE Payという決済(けっさい)サービスも普及(ふきゅう)しており、LINEを(つう)じて簡単(かんたん)にお(かね)のやり()りやショッピングができるため、便利(べんり)さも一層(いっそう)(たか)まっています。





Usage of LINE

LINE is a trendy application among Japanese people. Because of its unique features, functions, ease of use, and convenience, many Japanese people use LINE as their daily communication tool.

Not only the ability to send and receive text messages, LINE's voice and video calling, as well as its wide variety of stamps and emojis, are some of its attractive features. It also has group chat and timeline functions that allow users to communicate smoothly with friends, family, and colleagues.

Furthermore, a payment service called LINE Pay has become popular in Japan. It allows users to easily exchange money and shop through LINE, which makes LINE even more convenient.

Another reason for LINE's popularity is its security credentials. LINE has security measures to protect users' personal information and conversations and takes users' privacy very seriously.

Overall, there are many reasons why Japanese people prefer LINE. However, the main factors are ease of use, convenience, and trust in its security. LINE will continue to be an essential communication tool for Japanese people.

By switching the language setting of the application to English, menus, options, notifications, and messages can be displayed in English. Of course, you are also free to speak and chat in English.

Since LINE is internationally famous and has a global user base, it can support multiple languages and cross-cultural communication. This makes it a highly convenient application for English-speaking users as well.

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