Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 206 日本で不動産を購入する(にほんでふどうさんをこうにゅうする)

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Buying Real Estate in Japan

The depopulation of Japan's rural areas is increasing the availability of real estate and homes at unbelievable prices. Foreigners who discover this may contemplate purchasing real estate in Japan. So, can foreigners buy real estate in Japan?

The simple answer is yes. Foreigners can purchase real estate in Japan. However, they must complete several procedures in addition to getting the necessary funds ready.

First, to buy land or real estate in Japan, you need a visa or proof of residence to stay in the country. Without this, it becomes challenging to fulfill tax obligations to the Japanese government or engage in real estate transactions.

Moreover, adhering to Japanese custom, you must provide a Hanko (personal seal). In Japan, it isn't customary to use signatures, so they use a Hanko instead. But it can't just be a regular stamp; it needs to be a Hanko registered with the municipal office.

After fulfilling these requirements, a foreigner can then purchase real estate in Japan. However, we recommend speaking to a real estate agency or law firm for more detailed information. Although the yen's value is slowly increasing, it remains relatively cheap. Exploring the option of inexpensive real estate in Japan may be a prudent idea.

Wishing you all a wonderful year in 2024.

Happy New Year!

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