Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 215 日本語の代表的な形容詞(にほんごのだいひょうてきなけいようし)

Japanese Online...

1. (あたら)しい (atarashii) - new
- このスマートフォンは(あたら)しいです。
(This smartphone is new.)

2. (ふる)い (furui) - old
- その(いえ)(ふる)いですが、(うつく)しいです。
(The house is old but beautiful.)

3. (おお)きい (ookii) - big
- あのビルはとても(おお)きいです。
(That building is very big.)

4. (ちい)さい (chiisai) - small
- 彼女(かのじょ)(ちい)さい手袋(てぶくろ)()っています。
(She has small gloves.)

5. (たか)い (takai) - high, tall, expensive
- この(やま)はとても(たか)いです。
(This mountain is very high.)

6. (やす)い (yasui) - cheap, inexpensive
- このシャツはとても(やす)いです。
(This shirt is very cheap.)

7. (はや)い (hayai) - fast, quick
- 彼女(かのじょ)(はや)いランナーです。
(She is a fast runner.)

8. (おそ)い (osoi) - slow, late
- (かれ)はいつも(おく)れて()ます。
(He always comes late.)

9. (しず)かな (shizukana) - quiet
- 公園(こうえん)はとても(しず)かな場所(ばしょ)です。
(The park is a very quiet place.)

10. (あか)るい (akarui) - bright, cheerful
- 彼女(かのじょ)笑顔(えがお)はとても(あか)るいです。
(Her smile is very bright.)

11. (くら)い (kurai) - dark
- その部屋(へや)(くら)くて()えません。
(The room is too dark to see.)

12. (なが)い (nagai) - long
- この(みち)はとても(なが)いです。
(This road is very long.)

13. (みじか)い (mijikai) - short
- その鉛筆(えんぴつ)(みじか)くなっています。
(That pencil is getting short.)

14. (つよ)い (tsuyoi) - strong
- (かれ)はとても(つよ)(ひと)です。
(He is a very strong person.)

15. (よわ)い (yowai) - weak
- 彼女(かのじょ)病気(びょうき)(からだ)(よわ)いです。
(She is weak because of illness.)

16. (うつく)しい (utsukushii)- beautiful
- 彼女(かのじょ)(うつく)しい花束(はなたば)()っています。
(She has a beautiful bouquet of flowers.)

17. (みにく)い (minikui) - ugly
- その建物(たてもの)(みにく)いですが、歴史的(れきしてき)価値(かち)があります。
(The building is ugly, but it has historical value.)

18. (たの)しい (tanoshii) - fun, enjoyable
- そのパーティーはとても(たの)しいです。
(The party is very fun.)

19. 退屈(たいくつ)な (taikutsuna) - boring
- (かれ)毎日(まいにち)(おな)じことをするのが退屈(たいくつ)です。
(He finds it boring to do the same thing every day.)

20. 素晴(すば)らしい (subarashii) - wonderful, fantastic
- この映画(えいが)素晴(すば)らしいです!
(This movie is wonderful!)


Typical Japanese Adjectives

Today, we’d like to introduce you to 20 common Japanese adjectives along with example sentences.

1. Atarashii - new
Kono sumart phone wa atarashii desu.
This smartphone is new.

2. Furui - old
Sono ie wa furui desuga utsukushi desu.
The house is old but beautiful.

3. Ookii - big
Ano biru wa totemo ookii desu.
That building is very big.

4. Chiisai - small
Kanojo wa chiisai tebukuro wo motteimasu.
She has small gloves.

5. Takai - high, tall, expensive
Kono yama wa totemo takai desu.
This mountain is very high.

6. Yasui - cheap, inexpensive
Kono shatsu wa totemo yasui desu.
This shirt is very cheap.

7. Hayai - fast, quick
Kanojo wa hayai ranner desu.
She is a fast runner.

8. Osoi - slow, late
Kare wa itsumo okurete kimasu.
He always comes late.

9. Shizukana - quiet
Kouen wa totemo shizukana basho desu.
The park is a very quiet place.

10. Akarui - bright, cheerful
Kanojo no egao wa totemo akarui desu.
Her smile is very bright.

11. Kurai - dark
Sono heya wa kurakute miemasen.
The room is too dark to see.

12. Nagai - long
Kono michi wa totemo nagai desu.
This road is very long.

13. Mijikai - short
Sono enpitsu wa mijikaku natteimasu.
That pencil is getting short.

14. Tsuyoi - strong
Kare wa totemo tsuyoi hito desu.
He is a very strong person.

15. Yowai - weak
Kanojo wa byouki de karada ga yowai desu.
She is weak because of illness.

16. Utsukushii - beautiful
Kanojo wa utsukushii hanataba wo motte imasu.
She has a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

17. Minikui - ugly
Sono tatemono wa minikui desuga rekishitekina kachi ga arimasu.
The building is ugly, but it has historical value.

18. Tanoshii - fun, enjoyable
Sono party wa totemo tanoshii desu.
The party is very fun.

19. Taikutsuna - boring
Kare wa mainichi onajikoto wo surunoga taikutsu desu.
He finds it boring to do the same thing every day.

20. Subarashii - wonderful, fantastic
Kono eiga wa subarashii desu!
This movie is wonderful!

Needless to say, there are many other Japanese adjectives besides these.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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