

Kaiseki ryori wa Cha no yu de dasarete ita Dentoutekina ryouri desu.
Kaiseki is a traditional course dishes originally served at a tea ceremony.

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Kenon Shite imasu.
I'm checking the body temperature.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 29 君と僕(きみとぼく)

友達(ともだち) 友達(ともだち)





Kimi to Boku

In Japanese, you refer to other people as Kimi” and yourself as “Boku”. Of course, you can say "Anata" for another person and “Watashi" for yourself as well. However, in the Japanese language, “Kimi” and “Boku” were invented first.

“Kimi” is a shortened version of the word “Kunsyu” and “Boku” came from the word "Geboku". Needless to say, “Kunsyu” means the “master" and “Geboku” means the “servant". In short, “Kimi” and “Boku” have a master-slave relationship.

In Japan, language is used to show respect to the other person. When you ask for something, you use phrases like “~~~ o shitekudasai”, “~~~ o shite Itadakemasuka” and “~~~ o Onegaishimasu." These phrases show respect to others.

It is also important in Japanese to use language that respects the other person when talking. This is how you use Japanese politely.

Learn more Japanese words and culture on our  Daily Blog .

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Fuji-san ni Noboritai desu.
I want to climb Mount. Fuji

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いつも笑顔えがお でいよう!

Itsumo Egao de iyou!
Let's keep smiling!

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Wachoshoku ga Suki desu.
I like Japanese style breakfast.

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ねこ カフェにってきました。

Neko kafe ni Itte kimashita
I went to a cat cafe.

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Sorosoro Ochugen wo Okuttahouga iine.
We should send a midsummer gift soon.

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たの しい夏休なつやすみをおごしください。

Tanoshii natsuyasumi wo Osugoshi kudasai.
Enjoy your summer break.

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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 28 銭湯(せんとう)

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Public Bath

A Yusen, also known as a “Ofuroya", means a public bath where you pay to bathe. The history of public baths is said to date back to the 11th century. However, it was in Edo (present-day Tokyo) in 1591 where a bathhouse was opened as a business where visitors would pay money to use it as it is now. History indicates that a person named Ise Yoichi managed the first public bath in Edo (Tokyo).

It seems that public baths in the Edo period were mixed baths (men and woman bathe together). Female bath attendants known as “Yuna” would wash the body of men inside the public baths. Eventually the Edo Shogunate (Edo government) at that time said that discipline was being disturbed, so the mixed baths and the number of bathers were regulated. However, those regu-lation were often ignored or not followed.

At the present date, there seems to be mixed baths in some hot springs, but there are no mixed baths in bathhouses, and there is no “Yuna”. Of course, the entrance of the bathhouse is divided into men's and women's. Also, many bathhouses cannot be used by those with tattoos, including one-point tattoos. It is because tattoos are said to be associated with Yakuza and gangsters.

If you have the opportunity to go to Japan, I think it is interesting to go to a public bath.

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