日本が平成から令和に年号が変わったときにハプニングがありました。「天皇皇后両陛下お疲れ様でした」という Instagram への投稿が多くあったのですが、そのときに、「会社の上司にすら失礼なのに」「皇室を何だと思っているんだ」という批判が殺到したのです。
"Otsukaresamadeshita" is a word often used in Japan. If you translate this as-is, it would mean "thank you for being tired” or “thank you for your hard work”. "Thank you" is a honorific phrase, so it should be used for superiors and bosses. However, over the past few years "thank you" has become rude.
This began happening when Japan changed from the Heisei era to the Reiwa era. There were many posts on Instagram saying, "Otsukaresamadeshita your Majesties the Emperor and Empress”. At that time, a lot of criticism occurred with people saying, “Otsukaresamadeshita is rude to say even to a superior. You should never use the word when addressing the Emperor and Empress."
"Otsukaresamadeshita" is no longer a honorific word because it has become more commonly used. For example, I say “Otsukaresamadeshita” after playing at a park, or it can be said after people have a drink together.
The culture of saying “orsukaresamadeshita” at work is still very common. Though, if someone is really tired, you should say “Gojisai Kudasai” or “Otsukarewo Oyashite kudasai” to be more polite.

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