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Hollywood Remake of Japanese Classic

Hollywood Remake of Japanes...
The "Ghost in the Shell" is a very popular anime series as many of you know already This year, Hollywood took the story and remakes it to the large screen.

Did you see it?
Did you like it?

Hollywood tends to change the story (a bit) to make it more Americanized. By doing that, they killed the story line. I see this at Hollywood version of GODZILLA movies.

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Duty Free Shopping in Japan

Duty Free Shopping in Japan
Current retail tax rate is 8% throughout Japan. But as a foreigner visiting Japan, you can shop items over 5,000 yen (US$45) duty free. You need to bring your passport with Japan Entry Stamp to take advantage of this offer.

What do you want to buy when you are there?
Unfortunately you cannot use this duty free offer to hotels, restaurants or other services and good you consume in Japan.
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Anime アニメ

Anime アニメ
Many of users like Anime.
Anima might be your biggest reason to learn Japanese language.
Whatever the reason you may have, we really love to help.
Let us communicate with you.

Here is some examples of Animes comming in 2018.

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Kaiten Sushi 回転寿司

Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転... Kaiten Sushi 回転...
Many of you already know what Kaiten Sushi is.
Kaiten 回転 means ... round in circle.

But there is another word Kaiten 開店 means complete different
Kaiten 開店 means Open.

They pronounce the same as well.
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Cha / Ocha / Tea / 茶

Cha / Ocha / Te...
All teas came from China.
茶 is the kanji word for "Cha" or Tea.
If you want a tea, you say "Ocha o Kudasai."

Water is 水 mizu.
If you want a whter, you can say "Omizu o Kudasai."

What is O before Cha and Mizu?
By having O, you are more polite.

You never say "Cha o Kudasai."
Although, you can say "Mizu o Kudasai."
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人 Hito means Person

This branch looks like a word HITO in Japanese.
Doesn't it look like person walking?
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Japanese PC Keyboard Layout

Japanese PC Keyboard Layout
Do you think Japanese keyboards are created adding Japanese on top of English keyboards?
Look again.
Find @ on this keyboard.
I have a hard time using this keyabord at Internet Cafe.
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Japanese Animes --- Learn Japanese

Japanese Animes --- Learn J...
What anime do you like.
I really enjoy this anime called Miss Hokusai.
Do you know who Katsushika Hokusai is?
You might want to search him on the net.

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What is the most beautiful Japanese word?

What is the most beautiful Jap...
Of cause ... Arigato.

If you do thing to make people say Arigato to you ... you are doing very well.
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Free Software

Free Software
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