お酒 (Osake)

お酒 (Osake)

We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: お酒 (Osake)
Meaning: Alcohol drink

─ How to use ─
Japanese: お酒はありますか? (Osake ha arimasuka?)
Meaning: Do you have any alcohol drink?

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: すみません(Sumimasen)
Meaning: Excuse me.

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: 貴重品(Kichou-hin)
Meaning: Valuables

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 貴重品を預かってもらえますか?(Kichou-hin wo azukatte morae masuka?)
Meaning: Could I deposit valuables here?

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: エアコン(Eakon)
Meaning: Air conditioner

─ How to use ─
Japanese: エアコンの調子がよくないです(Eakon no choushi ga yoku nai desu.)
Meaning: The air conditioner doesn't work well.

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: タクシー(Takushii)
Meaning: Taxi

─ How to use ─
Japanese: タクシーをよんでください。(Takushii wo yonde kudasai.)
Meaning: Please call a taxi.

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: 手紙(Tegami)
Meaning: Letter

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 手紙を出したいです(Tegami wo dashi tai desu.)
Meaning: I'd like to send a letter.

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: 荷物(Nimotsu)
Meaning: Baggage

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 荷物をあずかってもらえますか?(Nimotsu wo azukatte morae masuka?)
Meaning: Coukd you keep my baggage?

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We'd like to introduce some useful words and phrases when you are in Japan hotel.

Today's word and phrase is the following.

Words: 部屋(Heya)
Meaning: Room

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 私の部屋は406号室です(Watasi no heya ha yon maru zero gou shitsu desu)
Meaning: My room number is 406.

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〰があります。 =  There is 〰

Words: お土産(Omiyage)
Meaning: Souvenir

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 近くにお土産を買う場所はありますか? (Chikaku ni omiyage wo kau basho wa arimasuka?)
Meaning: Is there any places to buy souvenir around here?

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〰があります。 =  There is 〰

Words: 映画館(Eigakan)
Meaning: Theatre

─ How to use ─
Japanese: 近くに映画館はありますか? (Chikaku ni eigakann wa arimasuka?)
Meaning: Is there theatre around here?

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