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Tai: Diary

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お店でVista を初めて触ってきました。光沢やシースルー感が増しただけで、
骨はXP と変わらない気がしました。Ultimate を見たかったんですが、

Mac も見てきました。起動ディスクからOSX / XP の切替えが出来るのですが

これ迄に98 / NT / 2000 / XP 上でモノを作りましたが、Mac に比べて彩度が高くて
Mac のモニタで見た時に、色褪せた感じがします
写真や色を扱うなら、Mac 上で作業した方が良いと。
それが、その方面でMac が強く、企業単位で使われる理由の気がします

デスクトップはMac が欲しいですが、ソフトやフォントをまた買い直したり
そろそろOS のバージョンが上がりそうな雰囲気なので、


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Commented by JanJan
Posted at 2007-02-12 02:47

:o u just bought windows vista??!How was it?

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Commented by Tai
Posted at 2007-02-12 11:54

No I just looked at Vista at the PC store ('ー')
It seems almost same as XP but richer a bit.
I couldn't look at Vista Ultimate version. It might be great.

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Commented by JanJan
Posted at 2007-02-14 03:59

WOw vista ultimate!Japan is so advances indeed....*thinking*

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Commented by Tai
Posted at 2007-02-14 14:17

Isn't Ultimate sold in Singapore?  It should be.  They are selling 4 types of Vista.  Ultimate is the richest one.

Now, did your friend (Taku?) already come to your hometown?

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Commented by JanJan
Posted at 2007-02-17 08:22

I don't know if Ultimate is sold in singapore or not....-_-
I have no m oney to buy it anyway....

Eh?Taku?Which blog entry did I mention him?He belongs to the past.
My another friend is ocming to singapore on march 18 this year.

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Are you sure you want to remove the following comment?
I don't know if Ultimate is sold in singapore or not....-_-
I have no m oney to buy it anyway....

Eh?Taku?Which blog entry did I mention him?He belongs to the past.
My another friend is ocming to singapore on march 18 this year.

Commented by Tai
Posted at 2007-02-17 13:26

You are changing many pics on your blog??

Mar 18 is just a month later. Japan will be warm at the time.
It was rainy & cold today, I want sunny days~

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Commented by gotism.
Posted at 2007-02-17 20:38

Yeah i changed many pics:x(

I wanna breezy days!lol

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Commented by gotism.
Posted at 2007-02-17 20:39

Yeah i changed many pics:x(

I wanna breezy days!lol

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