posted 2017-07-04 02:30
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
While I was taking my 3 kids for a bicycle ride, I noticed this mother duck taking her kids for a swim. How many ducklings? 9? Poor mum! Grammar: - 't...
posted 2017-06-21 22:18
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
My grape vine has lots of grapes, but I haven`t picked any yet because they`re still green, so they`re not ready to eat yet (they`re red grapes). I pu...
posted 2017-06-09 18:18
Toshiaki Nomura
梅雨入りしてから今日は一番の晴天。 早朝は風が涼しく吹いていてけっこう快適って感じ・・・。 日中の気温は29度予報。 日差しがあれば街中は30度越えですね。 暑い一日になりそうです。 カナヘビくんが日光浴中。 いい具合の葉っぱの上で極楽状態。 曇りが続いた後の日差しは、 やはりカナヘビくんにとっては...
posted 2017-06-03 01:25
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
I made this chicken coop. I only have 3 hens, so it`s big enough, but I hope it is strong enough to keep out predators (捕食者) such as cats & weasel...
posted 2017-06-02 05:30
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
I bought 3 hens. A hen is a female (雌) chicken. A male (雄) chicken is a rooster. Roosters are not good pets because they are noisy; hens aren`t. In a ...
posted 2017-05-22 22:47
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
On Sunday, Teragoya kids, teachers & staff went to Higashiyama Zoo. We go every year, but in previous years, I didn`t notice this killifish (メダカ) ...
posted 2017-05-16 22:55
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
When I ride my bicycle to the east of my home, I look for the pheasant which lives around there. Recently I was lucky enough to see it. It tried to hi...
posted 2017-05-16 17:45
神戸市では、「市民の快適な生活環境を保持すると共に、猫の殺処分を失くし、ひとと猫の共存する社会の実現を計ることを目的として、今年の4月1日より 「人と猫の共生に関する条例」 が施行されています。 無責任な飼い主により野良猫とならざるを得ない猫たちに罪はないと思いますが、このたび神戸アートビレッジセン...
posted 2017-05-16 01:22
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
During the Golden Week holidays I went to Miyako Island, in Okinawa. I went snorkelling everyday. Actually, when I go snorkelling, I only use goggles,...
posted 2017-05-11 22:43
Otto's blog
Teragoya Otto
While riding my bicycle near my house, I saw an animal next to the path, so I stopped to take a photo. Can you find it? If you can`t, please look in c...