posted 2020-03-28 17:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
これはすごいですね。 これが作られたのは3年前です。...
posted 2020-03-28 17:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Why do you think bot Taiwan and Japan seem to controlling Coronavirus better than the rest of the world. Here are what some people are saying. No handshake nor hugging Both are Island Counties Better Medical Care Effective National Insurance Hot Bath Hot Tea Wearing Masks We do not know what is going t happen to t...
We asked everyone to check their temperature every morning.
Some politicians are using Coronavirus to sell their name and gain popularity. It is very unfortunate. It is a time to unite and help each other. I do not like any business trying to make money by using Coronavirus. It is a time to save lives. Not sell the name or make money. It I snot much but we are buying lunch from local...
posted 2020-03-26 17:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I just heard that Department of Labor has reported 3.3 million new unemployment applications. This supposed to be the highest unemployment jump in the history. When we recover from Coronavirus, what do we have left, I wonder.
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. has implemented company chat rooms where everybody login and report the progress. In addition, all our meetings are done using Zoom system. We currently have 1/4 of our employees working remotely. So far the productivities has not suffered too much but we are holding the release of s...
posted 2020-03-26 17:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
25万前後から数日で330万になったこのグラフは何でしょうか? これはアメリカで失業保険を申請した人の数なんです。 過去最大は1982年約70万人・・・それを約5倍にしたのがコロナウイルス。 これが今の現状です。 アメリカ、不景気・・・不景気というものではありません。 25万人の失業者の時点で、失業...
If we were eggs ... this is what it suppose to look like.
Vol. 4 本日はPSPinc のロゴの歴史についてお話したいと思います。ロゴは、会社の理念や歴史など企業の想いが詰まっており、会社の顔ともいえます。 こちらが現在のPSPinc のロゴです。一見、しまうま模様のようにも見えますが、よく見ると斜めになったPSP という文字が隠されています。このわざ...
Vol. 4 Today let’s talk about the history of the PSPinc logo. A company logo gives people a first impression of what that company is like. It also tel...