原宿 Harajyuku

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JR Yamanote Lin... JR Yamanote Line
Harajyuku Station
JR 山手線
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
原宿 Harajyuku
Takeshita Stree... Takeshita Street
Habve you ever heard Harajyuku?
What did you hear about it?

If you have been there, tell us what do you think of the district?
#Anime #Harajyuku #JapaneseOnline #JoL #UchikiraCo #バリュープロポジション #内倉社中

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