SOKUJI ... Free for a limited time.

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Sokuji is a browser that gives an instant point-to-translate lookup of individual Japanese words. No fumbling to select text, no switching apps to try to lookup a word, instant pop-up translations in the browser as you read. To get better at japanese you need to read in the language as much as possible, this tool will help you read on mobile (in your commute for example)

link to our app

link to a video demonstration of the app

Message from

Japanese-Online was not paid to post this message. It was post as a tools that we felt interesting. If you decide to use this app. please use it as your own risk.

If you wish us to review your product or post your port or service on this blog, please contact us.
#FreeApp #japaneseonline #jol #jolblog #uchikiraco

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