What is a typical Japanese breakfast?
However, today there are increasing people especially working people who have simpler Western-style breakfast such as toast and coffee. (しかしながら、最近では、より簡単なトーストとコーヒーといった洋風の朝食を取る人が、特に働いている人の間で増えています。)
By the way, I always have rice and natto that is made of soy beans with miso soup at breakfast because this style makes me more energetic than western one. (ちなみに、朝食の際、私は毎日納豆とご飯、そしてみそ汁を一緒に食べています。なぜなら、このスタイルのほうが、洋風のスタイルに比べて、私を精力的にさせてくれるからです。)
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