Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 71 血液型(けつえきがた)

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Blood Types

Japanese people often talk about their blood type. Do you know your blood type? I don’t think many people do. Even if you do, it is usually only for blood transfusions. In Japan, we use blood type when discussing a person's personality. This may be because Japan is an island nation and most of the people are Japanese. For this reason, there is no particular classification other than blood type.

Also, blood type is not an object of discrimination as to which blood type is higher or lower. The distribution of blood types in Japan is 32% O, 37% A, 22% B, and 9% AB. A being the most common and AB is the least common. When you meet Japanese people, please ask them about their blood types and what kind of personality they have. I'm sure you'll have a great conversation.

However, it is important to know your blood type if you are going to discuss it.

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