Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 105 日本人がプライドを持つもの(にほんじんがプライドをもつもの)
(5) ルールを
What Japanese people take pride in
In every country, there are things that most people think are great about their country. So, what do Japanese people take pride in? Today, I’d like to look at a few:
(1) Consideration
Japan is an island nation where everyone lives in a small area. As a result, we naturally develop the habit of being considerate of everyone around us. Namely, we don’t talk loudly when other people are around or leave our garbage behind when we leave a room. Instead, we pay attention to our surroundings in our daily lives. I think this is the reason why the city is so clean.
(2) Respect
Because we tend to be considerate, there’s also a superior and inferior rule in Japan. When talking to a superior, we use respectful language. We also understand what we’re allowed to do and what we aren’t allowed to do. And we live our lives according to those rules.
(3) Royalty
It may be difficult for some people to understand, but most Japanese people believe that the emperor is very important. Therefore, when talking about the emperor and the royal family, we always use respectful language.
(4) Diligence
Japanese people generally try their best to do what needs to be done and what they’re told to do. However, I think there are many areas where Japanese people lack originality because of this.
(5) Rule following
This is related to consideration and politeness, but Japanese people follow the rules. And they take pride in following the rules. Conversely, they have little originality. It can then inadvertently lead to the problem of not being able to do something unless someone tells them what to do.
These are the things that Japanese people take pride in. They represent the Japanese character. If there are any other things that Japanese people take pride in, please let me know as I would like to hear your opinions.
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