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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 121 ワシントン州 最大級 アニメイベント Sakura-Con (ワシントンしゅう さいだいきゅう アニメイベント サクラコン)

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ワシントン州 最大級 アニメイベント Sakura-Con (ワシントンしゅう さいだいきゅう アニメイベント サクラコン)

ドラゴンボールやドラえもんをはじめとする、『漫画(まんが)』や『アニメ』は日本(にほん)のポップカルチャーの代表(だいひょう)として、(くに)()え、海外(かいがい)でも(あい)されるものとなりました。弊社(へいしゃ)本社(ほんしゃ)のあるワシントン(しゅう)では、先日(せんじつ)2(ねん)ぶりにSakura-Con というアニメイベントが開催(かいさい)され、2(まん)(にん)以上(いじょう)(かた)参加(さんか)されたそうです。



Sakura-Con: Washington State’s Largest Anime Event

While anime and manga are big proponents of Japanese pop culture, their popularity has expanded to the states. Particularly with titles like Dragon Ball Z and Doraemon. Recently, an anime event called Sakura-con, held in Washington State, where our headquarters is located, returned for the first time in two years. And more than 20,000 people attended the event.

The price of admission ranged between $50 to $80, and people could either buy tickets in advance or on-site. From Friday to Sunday, visitors could attend a variety of events during the day and night. Events included anime-themed concerts, panels with popular voice actors, and anime merchandise booths. On the event days, you'll also see many cosplayers around town as many people also participate by dressing up as their favorite characters.

Are there any events like that in your area?

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