Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 122 海外でも人気を集める鬼滅の刃(かいがいでもにんきをあつめるきめつのやいば)


(とき)大正時代(たいしょうじだい)(ごろ)(おに)によって家族(かぞく)(うしな)った主人公(しゅじんこう)(たん)次郎(じろう)が、鬼殺(きさつ)(たい)()ばれる組織(そしき)隊員(たいいん)出会(であ)い、(おに)になってしまった(いもうと)人間(にんげん)(もど)方法(ほうほう)(さが)すため、(おに)()りになる決意(けつい)をします。 映画(えいが)では、(たん)次郎(じろう)(おに)()りとなった(あと)(おに)(あらわ)れるという無限(むげん)列車(れっしゃ)での(たたか)いを中心(ちゅうしん)(えが)かれています。


アメリカにお()まいの(かた)は、Netflix (ネットフリックス) で映画(えいが)内容(ないよう)(つづ)くアニメを視聴(しちょう)することが可能(かのう)ですので、ご興味(きょうみ)のある(かた)はぜひチェックしてみて(くだ)さい。

The Popularity of Demon Slayer Overseas

You may remember that Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train surpassed 40 billion yen in box-office revenue in 2020. Unsurprisingly, Japan isn’t the only place where it’s broadcasted. The movie’s been broadcasted in more than 40 countries around the world, including the United States and Taiwan. And Demon Slayer not only became popular in Japan, but also in other many other countries around the world.

The story follows the main character, Tanjirô, during the Taisho era (1912-1926) after he loses his family to demons. Then, he meets a member of Kitsatsu-tai, an organization, and becomes a demon slayer to figure out a way to turn his sister, a demon, back into human form. The movie focuses on rumors of demons being around after Tanjirô becomes a demon slayer.

In addition to the interesting plot and appealing characters, the film’s gained international attention for various aspects. Namely the kimono motif of the costumes and the special fighting moves using blades.

If you live in the United States, you can watch the anime that follows the story from the Demon Slayer movie on Netflix.

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