Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 127 お土産(おみやげ)
In Japan, there is a custom with souvenirs where people buy things from their travels to give to their neighbors and friends. In particular, people often choose individually packaged and boxed sweets as souvenirs. For this reason, you can find many souvenir products at tourist attractions throughout Japan.
On the other hand, handing out souvenirs is rarely a thing in other foreign countries. In other countries, you’ll probably find many stores selling things like key chains, t-shirts, and other similar trinkets. This may be because most of these items aren’t necessarily meant to be gifts for others. Rather, they’re intended as more of a keepsake of a traveler’s memories of the trip.
There are always souvenir shops at airports and large train stations. So, why not buy some for your family and friends when you come to Japan?
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