Blog Thread
- Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 128 わびさび
Have you heard of the word, “wabi-sabi”? And if you have, do you know what it means and how to use it? First, wabi-sabi can be divided into two words. Wabi, in kanji, is written as "侘び" and refers to something simple and plain. Sabi, or "寂び" in kanji, refers to something old and desolate. When combining the two, it creates a unique sensibility of “a feeling that there is a unique beauty in simple and old things” in Japanese. In particular, you can feel wabi-sabi when looking at traditional Japanese antiques, art, and cultural assets. For example, say you visit a temple with a long history. When looking at this building with an aged atmosphere, to share how you feel with the other person, you can say, “I feel wabi-sabi, don’t you?”
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