Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 132 高速道路の車間距離(こうそくどうろのしゃかんきょり)

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(まえ)(くるま)との車間距離(しゃかんきょり)を80メートルあけたい場合(ばあい)は、白線(はくせん)4(ほん)とブランク4つ、と(かんが)えれば()いようになっています。安全(あんぜん)運転(うんてん)のために(まえ)(くるま)との距離(きょり)十分(じゅうぶん)とって(はし)ってください。 今回(こんかい)日本(にほん)高速道路(こうそくどうろ)についてのお(はなし)をしてみました。

Following Distances on Highways

When driving on the highway in Japan, you must consider the distance between your car and the one in front of you. But how do you measure that distance? Many of you probably think in terms of seconds. Although I do the same, seconds can’t tell the actual distance between cars.

On Japanese highways, there’s an easy way to determine the distance between cars. You can use the white lines that indicate lanes on the road. Each of the white lane divider lines are 8 meters long. The space between them is 12 meters long. Therefore, the sum of one white line and the distance to the next line is 20 meters.

If you want to stay 80 meters away from the car in front of you, you can think of it as four white lines and four blank spaces. For safe driving, please keep a sufficient following distance between you and the car in front of you.

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