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- Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 143 敬称(けいしょう)
英語では相手の名前を呼ぶ時、”Hi Bob” や “Hello Suzan” とファーストネームを呼び捨てにします。また、敬意を払いたい場合には “Mr. Ms. Mrs.” や “Dr.” のような敬称をつける場合があります。日本でも様々な呼び方がありますので、まとめてみました。
「田中さん」と言うように「さん」をつけて呼びます。一般的に姓(Family Name)に「さん」をつける場合が多いですが、「田中 太郎さん」とフルネームに「さん」をつけたり、親しい場合は「太郎さん」と名前に「さん」をつけて呼ぶこともできます。
「木村様」と言うように「様」をつけて呼びます。一般的には姓に「様」をつける場合が多いのですが、「木村 恵子様」とフルネームに「様」をつけたりもします。「恵子様」のように名前に「様」をつけることはあまりしません。
「殿 (Dono)」は、時代劇などで身分が上の人を表す言葉ですが、現在ではあまり使われない敬称です。
男の子なら「くん」、女の子なら「ちゃん」を名前の後につけて呼びます。男の子でも「ちゃん」をつけて呼ぶことはありますが、女の子に「くん」はつけません。また、「くん」は姓の後にもつけられますが、「ちゃん」は姓ではなく、名(Given Name)につけます。「くん」や「ちゃん」は可愛いペットを呼ぶ場合にも使われます。
「たん」という言葉をつけることがあります。これは特に可愛いものを呼ぶ場合、最近では「萌 (もえ) キャラクター」に対して使うようです。基本的に相手に対して使うものではなく、「あの映画のXXXたん可愛かった。」といったような使い方になります。
「先輩 (Senpai)」は、自分よりも長く勤めている人、部活などでの上級生を呼ぶ場合に使います。「先輩」だけで使う場合もありますが、姓に「先輩」をつけて呼びこともあります。
Honorific Titles
In English, we address people by their first names, such as “Hi Bob” or “Hello Suzan. If you want to show respect, you may add honorific titles like “Mr., Ms., Mrs.” or “Dr.”. However, in Japanese, there are different ways to address people.
In general
People add “san” to the end of names, as in “Tanaka-san”. Generally, you add “san” to the family name, but it’s also possible to add it to your full name, like in “Tanaka Taro-san”. If you’re close to the person you’re addressing, you can also add “san” to their first name, as in “Taro-san”.
For Customers or Superiors
When addressing customers or superiors, you add “sama” at the end, as in “Kimura-sama”. Generally, you add “sama” to the family name, but sometimes it’s added to the full name, as in “Kimura Keiko-sama”. However, it’s not so common to add “sama” to a first name, as in “Keiko-sama”.
In historical dramas, they refer to a person of higher status as “dono”. However, it’s not used as an honorific title today.
For Younger People and Children
For boys, we address them with “kun”, while we adress girls with “chan” after their names. We can also address boys as “chan”, but we don’t use “kun” for girls. You can add “kun” after the family name, but we add “chan” to the first name, not the family name. We also use “kun” and “chan” to call cute pets.
For Professions
To address doctors, lawyers, politicians, and educators, we add “sensei” after their names, as it’s an expression of respect. When using “sensei”, we added it to a person’s last name or full name, but not when calling their first name only. It’s considered impolite to address someone without their family name. Therefore, we consider addressing someone with “sensei” while only using their first name rude.
A Slightly Different Way
Sometimes, we use the word “tan”. We use this when calling something cute, like a “Moe character”. Usually, we use “tan” when referring to a character from a movie or anime. For example, “XXX-tan from that movie was so cute”.
In other cases, we may add “chi”, which is written as “〜〜tchi”. It’s a more familiar way to address someone, rather than “chan”. “chi” has a similar pronunciation as “〜〜nchi”, but it doesn’t have the same meaning. For example, “Sato-nchi” means Sato’s house, referring to the Sato family.
We use the word “senpai” to call someone who’s been working for longer than you or a senior student in a club, for example. You can use the word, “senpai” on its own, as well as with the family name.
This is how the Japanese call people using honorific titles. In addition to these, there are other ways to address people, such as “don”, but these are just the more common honorific titles.
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