Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 147 マスクを外せない(マスクをはずせない)

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The Mask Mandate in Japan

In Japan, almost everyone wears a mask when going out. Even at the office, everyone wears a mask. In restaurants, people wear them when coming in and then again after their meal. Japanese airlines require passengers to wear masks, even on airplanes for international flights. Because they require people to wear masks in Japan, it’s as if not wearing a mask is a bad thing, and wearing a mask displays good manners.

The Japanese government also says that wearing a mask outdoors isn’t necessary, but only a few people don’t wear them outside. I’m not sure if wearing a mask is good from a medical point of view. However, it goes without saying that the Japanese way of imposing a mask mandate is strange from a foreigner’s perspective.

It’s not just masks either. When entering a restaurant or other public place, they always check your temperature at the entrance. If your temperature isn’t normal, they won’t let you enter the facility. There are two types of temperature inspection systems: one uses a tablet-like device to scan your face and take your temperature. The other requires you to place your hand over a disinfectant dispenser that’ll take your temperature as it discharges the disinfectant.

Even with all this, Covid still affects people in Japan every day. In many recent cases, there have only been mild symptoms. But it seems that even after all this work, the number of cases hasn’t reached zero. So, how effective are masks? I don’t think we have a choice but to live with Covid, but because Japanese people act in groups, it may be a while before they feel comfortable taking off their masks in public.

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