Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 161 日本酒(にほんしゅ)
- ビール 5%
- シャンパン 11%
- ワイン 15%
焼酎 20~25%前後
- ウィスキー 40%
- ウォッカ 40%
- テキーラ 40%
朝日 酒造 (新潟県 )久保田
旭酒造 (山口県 )獺祭
八海 醸造 (新潟県 )八海山
Sake is a popular alcoholic beverage made from rice in Japan. It can be served chilled, at room temperature, or warm. To be classified as sake (seishu), the alcohol content must be less than 22%. If it’s above that level, it’s not sake. Instead, it’s classified as a hybrid or liqueur. Sake typically contains about 15%. Now, let’s compare it to other alcoholic drinks.
- Beer: approximately 5%
- Champagne: approximately 11%
- Wine: approximately 15%
- Shochu: approximately 20-25%
- Whiskey: approximately 40%
- Vodka: approximately 40%
- Tequila: approximately 40%
It’s safe to assume that sake has almost the same alcohol content as wine. To make sake, brewers mill rice (or remove excess matter) before using it, and the name of the sake changes depending on the degree of milling.
Sake without any external addition of alcohol (free of brewed alcohol or additives) is classified from top to bottom as junmai daiginjo, junmai ginjo, tokubetsu junmai, and junmai, each with a rice polishing ratio of 50% or less, 60% or less, and even less than that. If you visit Japan, please try sake and daiginjo at least once.
Now, we would like to introduce some famous daiginjo-shu. Please note that 20 is the legal drinking age in Japan, so if you’re under 20 years old, it’s illegal for you to drink alcohol in Japan.
- Asahi Shuzo (Niigata Prefecture)Kubota
- Asahi Shuzo (Yamaguchi Prefecture)Dassai
- Hakkai Zyozo (Niigata Prefecture) Hakkaisan
Daiginjo is not the only good sake, you can enjoy the different flavors and tastes of various grades of sake. When you visit Japan, please tell the store staff that you want a dry sake or a sake with a good aroma, and try them out. We hope that you find a brand that suits you.
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