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Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 217 ファミレス

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1. 幅広(はばひろ)いメニュー: ファミレスは、多様(たよう)料理(りょうり)()(もの)提供(ていきょう)します。これにより、様々(さまざま)(この)みや食事(しょくじ)制限(せいげん)()顧客(こきゃく)満足(まんぞく)できるようになっています。

2. 手軽(てがる)雰囲気(ふんいき): リラックスした雰囲気(ふんいき)で、家族(かぞく)友人(ゆうじん)同士(どうし)(あつ)まって(たの)しめる場所(ばしょ)です。(とく)子供(こども)()れの家族(かぞく)利用(りよう)しやすい雰囲気(ふんいき)重視(じゅうし)されます。

3. リーズナブルな価格(かかく)(たい): ファミレスの料金(りょうきん)一般的(いっぱんてき)手頃(てごろ)なものであり、幅広(はばひろ)人々(ひとびと)利用(りよう)しやすい価格(かかく)(たい)設定(せってい)されています。

4. 子供向(こどもむ)けメニューと設備(せつび): 子供向(こどもむ)けのメニュー、子供(こども)(よう)椅子(いす)やおもちゃが準備(じゅんび)されています。子供向(こどもむ)けの(あそ)びスペースが整備(せいび)されていることもあります。

5. 営業(えいぎょう)時間(じかん): 朝食(ちょうしょく)からランチ、夕食(ゆうしょく)まで、一(にち)(とお)して営業(えいぎょう)しています。



Have you heard of Famiresu? Famiresu is a shortened version of "family restaurant," a restaurant chain that offers a wide variety of reasonably priced food. They serve dishes from Japanese, Chinese, and Western cuisines. They don't categorize "fast food" chains like Yoshinoya, Matsuya, McDonald's, KFC, and Fuji Soba, among others, as "family restaurants". So, what kind of restaurants fall into the family restaurant category?

Examples include "Denny's," "Gusto," "Jonathan," "Saizeriya," "Royal Host," "Otoya," and "Bamiyan." "Sushiro" and "Kura Sushi" are chain restaurants serving conveyor-belt sushi. However, we don't generally consider "Gyukaku", a yakiniku chain restaurant, a family restaurant. The following definition of a family restaurant clarifies the reason for this.

1. Wide menu: Family restaurants offer a diverse range of food and beverages to satisfy customers with different tastes and dietary restrictions.

2. Easy-going atmosphere: They emphasize a relaxed environment where families and friends can gather and have fun, especially accommodating families with children.

3. Reasonably priced: Family restaurants typically maintain affordable prices, making them accessible to a broad audience.

4. Kid's menus and facilities: They provide kids' menus, chairs, and toys, and the restaurant may even have dedicated play areas.

5. Hours of operation: Family restaurants are open throughout the day, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Restaurants with the above characteristics are generally considered family restaurants, though this classification may vary by region and culture. If you visit Japan, consider trying a family restaurant. It might surprise you, especially at "Denise," as their menu differs significantly from the U.S. menu.

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