1. 京都・時代祭(じだいまつり)
- 開催時期 :2024年10月21日(月)~2024年10月22日(火)
- 概要 :京都三大祭りの一つで、京都御所から平安神宮までの約4.5kmを歴史的な衣装に身を包んだ人々が行列する祭り。各時代の装束を見ることができ、京都の歴史を感じられるイベントです。
2. 長崎くんち(ながさきくんち)
- 開催時期 :2024年10月7日(月)~2024年10月9日(水)
- 概要 :長崎市の諏訪大社で行われる祭りで、豪華な出し物や踊りが魅力です。特に、各町内で作られた「庭先回り」と呼ばれるパフォーマンスが有名です。
3. 秩父夜祭(ちちぶよまつり)
- 開催時期 :2024年12月2日(月)~2024年12月3日(火)
- 概要 :埼玉県秩父市で行われる祭りで、山車が街中を引き回され、花火も打ち上げられます。夜祭としても知られており、夜間のライトアップされた山車は壮観です。
4. 岸和田だんじり祭(きしわだだんじりまつり)
- 開催時期 :9月中旬(9月14日~15日が多い)
- 概要 :大阪府岸和田市で行われる有名な祭りで、巨大な山車「だんじり」を引き回す勇壮な姿が特徴です。特に「やりまわし」と呼ばれる、コーナーを全速力で曲がる迫力あるパフォーマンスが見どころです。
5. 秋田竿燈祭り(あきたかんとうまつり)
- 開催時期 :8月初旬(夏祭りに含まれることが多い)
- 概要 :五穀豊穣を祈願する祭りで、秋田市内で開催されます。竿燈と呼ばれる竹の竿に提灯を吊るした大きな飾り物を持ち上げる技術が見ものです。
1. 京都・時代祭(じだいまつり)
- 開催時期 :2024年10月21日(月)~2024年10月22日(火)
- 概要 :京都三大祭りの一つで、京都御所から平安神宮までの約4.5kmを歴史的な衣装に身を包んだ人々が行列する祭り。各時代の装束を見ることができ、京都の歴史を感じられるイベントです。
2. 長崎くんち(ながさきくんち)
- 開催時期 :2024年10月7日(月)~2024年10月9日(水)
- 概要 :長崎市の諏訪大社で行われる祭りで、豪華な出し物や踊りが魅力です。特に、各町内で作られた「庭先回り」と呼ばれるパフォーマンスが有名です。
3. 秩父夜祭(ちちぶよまつり)
- 開催時期 :2024年12月2日(月)~2024年12月3日(火)
- 概要 :埼玉県秩父市で行われる祭りで、山車が街中を引き回され、花火も打ち上げられます。夜祭としても知られており、夜間のライトアップされた山車は壮観です。
4. 岸和田だんじり祭(きしわだだんじりまつり)
- 開催時期 :9月中旬(9月14日~15日が多い)
- 概要 :大阪府岸和田市で行われる有名な祭りで、巨大な山車「だんじり」を引き回す勇壮な姿が特徴です。特に「やりまわし」と呼ばれる、コーナーを全速力で曲がる迫力あるパフォーマンスが見どころです。
5. 秋田竿燈祭り(あきたかんとうまつり)
- 開催時期 :8月初旬(夏祭りに含まれることが多い)
- 概要 :五穀豊穣を祈願する祭りで、秋田市内で開催されます。竿燈と呼ばれる竹の竿に提灯を吊るした大きな飾り物を持ち上げる技術が見ものです。
Autumn Festivals in Japan
Japan generally holds Autumn festivals from September to November throughout the country, although the timing of the festivals varies from region to region. Japanese people have held Autumn festivals since ancient times, mainly to pray for a good harvest or to give thanks for the harvest. The following is a list of typical autumn festivals, their times, and characteristics.
1. Kyoto - Jidai Matsuri (Festival of the Ages)
- Dates: October 21, 2024 (Monday)~October 22, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Overview: As one of the three major festivals in Kyoto, this festival features a 4.5 km procession of people dressed in historical costumes from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to the Heian Shrine. It is an event where you can see costumes of each period and feel the history of Kyoto.
2. Nagasaki Kunchi (Nagasaki Kunchi)
- Dates: October 7, 2024 (Monday)~October 9, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Overview: Japanese people hold this festival at Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki City and features spectacular entertainment and dancing. It is especially famous for a performance called “Niwasaki Mawari,” which each town creates.
3. Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yoru Matsuri)
- Dates: December 2, 2024 (Monday) - December 3, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Overview: A festival Japanese people hold in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, where people pull floats (dashi) through the streets and set off fireworks. It’s also known as a night festival, so the floats lit up at night are spectacular.
4. Kishiwada Danjiri Festival
- Dates: Mid-September (September 14-15 is most common)
- Overview: This is a famous festival held in Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture, and many characterize it by the heroic appearance of the huge floats called “danjiri” that people pull around. The highlight of the festival is the powerful performance called “yarimawashi,” in which the floats turn corners at full speed.
5. Akita Kanto Festival
- Dates: Early August (often included in summer festivals)
- Overview: This festival is held in Akita City to pray for a good harvest. The festival is a spectacle to see the skill of lifting a large decoration called a “Kanto,” in which people hang lanterns on bamboo poles.
Japanese people hold other autumn festivals in many regions. Each region in Japan has its own festivals rooted in its own history and culture, providing a rare opportunity to experience the unique characteristics of each region. Even in small towns and villages continue to hold traditional festivals to celebrate a good harvest and bountiful crops.
In the Tohoku region, for example, the culture of rice cultivation is deeply rooted, and they hold a Thanksgiving ceremony at a shrine at the end of the rice harvest. In the Kanto and Kansai regions as well, they carry a mikoshi at a local shrine, and local people celebrate in unison. In the Kyushu and Shikoku regions as well, floats (dashi) and dances are lively, and these festivals strengthen the community bonds.
Autumn festivals are more than just festive occasions; they are manifestations of local pride and faith, as well as an expression of people's prayers and gratitude to nature that has continued since ancient times. Therefore, no matter which region you visit, you can experience its unique culture and customs.
Autumn festivals in various regions are popular not only among residents but also among tourists and offer a great opportunity to experience local traditions. We encourage you to participate in the various autumn festivals and enjoy the changing of the seasons and Japanese culture.
1. Kyoto - Jidai Matsuri (Festival of the Ages)
- Dates: October 21, 2024 (Monday)~October 22, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Overview: As one of the three major festivals in Kyoto, this festival features a 4.5 km procession of people dressed in historical costumes from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to the Heian Shrine. It is an event where you can see costumes of each period and feel the history of Kyoto.
2. Nagasaki Kunchi (Nagasaki Kunchi)
- Dates: October 7, 2024 (Monday)~October 9, 2024 (Wednesday)
- Overview: Japanese people hold this festival at Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki City and features spectacular entertainment and dancing. It is especially famous for a performance called “Niwasaki Mawari,” which each town creates.
3. Chichibu Night Festival (Chichibu Yoru Matsuri)
- Dates: December 2, 2024 (Monday) - December 3, 2024 (Tuesday)
- Overview: A festival Japanese people hold in Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture, where people pull floats (dashi) through the streets and set off fireworks. It’s also known as a night festival, so the floats lit up at night are spectacular.
4. Kishiwada Danjiri Festival
- Dates: Mid-September (September 14-15 is most common)
- Overview: This is a famous festival held in Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture, and many characterize it by the heroic appearance of the huge floats called “danjiri” that people pull around. The highlight of the festival is the powerful performance called “yarimawashi,” in which the floats turn corners at full speed.
5. Akita Kanto Festival
- Dates: Early August (often included in summer festivals)
- Overview: This festival is held in Akita City to pray for a good harvest. The festival is a spectacle to see the skill of lifting a large decoration called a “Kanto,” in which people hang lanterns on bamboo poles.
Japanese people hold other autumn festivals in many regions. Each region in Japan has its own festivals rooted in its own history and culture, providing a rare opportunity to experience the unique characteristics of each region. Even in small towns and villages continue to hold traditional festivals to celebrate a good harvest and bountiful crops.
In the Tohoku region, for example, the culture of rice cultivation is deeply rooted, and they hold a Thanksgiving ceremony at a shrine at the end of the rice harvest. In the Kanto and Kansai regions as well, they carry a mikoshi at a local shrine, and local people celebrate in unison. In the Kyushu and Shikoku regions as well, floats (dashi) and dances are lively, and these festivals strengthen the community bonds.
Autumn festivals are more than just festive occasions; they are manifestations of local pride and faith, as well as an expression of people's prayers and gratitude to nature that has continued since ancient times. Therefore, no matter which region you visit, you can experience its unique culture and customs.
Autumn festivals in various regions are popular not only among residents but also among tourists and offer a great opportunity to experience local traditions. We encourage you to participate in the various autumn festivals and enjoy the changing of the seasons and Japanese culture.
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