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Announcement: Spoofed email filtering fix in progress

Announcement: Spoofed email fi...
Recently we have seen an increase in email spoofing* occurring with spam emails being delivered to inboxes.

Within the Dreamersi admin panel in the Spam Filter > Sender Filter settings we have a feature called "Spoof Filtering" to prevent this issue. However, we have noticed that spoofed email messages are bypassing this filter. We are actively working on a fix to ensure the filter is catching these emails before they reach your inbox.

In the meantime, if you receive any suspicious emails that appear to be from a trusted source, please take caution and avoid opening or interacting with them.

If you have any questions, or are experiencing issues with email spoofing within your email account please contact us at 1-800-232-3989 or by email at

We are standing by to help you via phone and email.

Once issues with the spoof filtering feature are resolved we will make another announcement, as well as include steps on how you can enable this feature if you are not currently using it.

Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. and Dreamersi for your hosting needs.

*Email spoofing is a form of cyber attack in which a hacker sends an email that has been manipulated to seem as if it originated from a trusted source. Email spoofing is a popular tactic used in phishing and spam campaigns because people are more likely to open an email when they think it has been sent by a known sender. The goal of email spoofing is to trick recipients into opening or responding to the message. (source:

Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.

1404 140th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007

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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. is headquartered in Bellevue, Washington and provides domain, web, and email hosting to more than 40,000 companies of all sizes around the world. We design and develop our own software and are committed to helping businesses of all sizes grow and thrive online. For more information you can contact us at 800-232-3989, by email at or visit us online at
#business #email #emailhosting #emailspoofing #pspinc #spam #tech

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