昨日皇居前を歩いていて気がついたのですが、 皇居に面する建物には、建物の名前や会社名が書かれていません。これは皇居側から見たときに、会社名やビル名が見えることが良くないからなのかもしれません。こんな配慮までしているんですね。日本らしくて素敵です。
I noticed yesterday while walking in front of the Imperial Palace that the buildings facing it do not have their names or company names written on them. This might be because it's not desirable for the names of companies or buildings to be visible from the Imperial Palace side. It's thoughtful to consider even such details. It's very Japanese and wonderful.
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Posted at 2024-02-06 14:53
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Posted at 2024-02-06 14:59
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