We are currently experimenting with the video support for Bloguru. With this new feature, you can upload directly into Bloguru. http://www.bloguru.com Bloguru is a Free and an advertisement free blog platform of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
There are so many businesses can benefit from selling online. Seattle is a hub of small family owned businesses. Come to Seattle ... There are much more stores than Starbucks #1 Store.
Instead of telling me "this will not sell because ... (1) it is missing something. (2) there is too much competitors. (3) it has never been done. Tell me (1) if you add this, we can sell. (2) I will find the gap in the competitors' products. (3) let's be stupid and be the first one.
When you bring your products to overseas, you need to modify the products to make sure they are suited for use and consumption in the country you are bringing products to. It is called localization.
Check out what people are finding on the net. Please take tame to contribute when you find something good. https://kiroboto.com