- Hashtag "#uchikuraco" returned 1940 results.
Those are the pictures from the vendor which produce computer mouse in China. Younger people are working very hard. I do not know how much they make. I am sure they do not make very much and they do not speak English. But young people like those are working hard to produce mundane products. You cannot found that in the US.
People in the US sometime say "China is taking jobs from the US" ... But not many people in the US is willing to do those jobs. Not at the price people in China are willing to work for.
We will be marketing Japanese pine coaster with your logo in the US. If you are interested, please let me know.
Japan Fair 2018 will take place in Bellevue, Washington on July 7 to 8, 2018. It will attract more than 20,000 people around Bellevue. If you would like to exit, the cost is $500 but of you register before the end of March, you will save $150.
If you are interested, please contact me or Japan Fair office.
ISDN Public Phone
I don't see them any more in Japan.
Every technology you see, however obsolete, once was the leading edge technology. So, if we do not keep inviting and improving, what you have right now will be obsolete sooner than you think.
The daylight saving time for 2018 will start tomorrow. Here is the current time in Seattle.
We all going to loose 1 hour of sleep!!!
Kiroboto I designed by Uchikura Co and developed by PSPinc. It is a cyber space where you can promote your business for absolutely free. It is free to register and it is free to post. Please try it.
I replaced 2 hard disks on my Mac to SSD today.
It is little complicated but still a DIY job.
The price of SSD (Solid State Disk) has came down so much that it is cheaper to replace your hard disk and make your computer super fast than buying the new computer.
The truth is that CPU has not gotten faster much last few years. All the advances on the computers are around the multiple-core cpu, SSD and graphics cards. So, if you have computer that is less than 5 years old, it might be cheaper to replace your hard disk with SSD and upgrade your RAM (4GB to 8GB or 8GB to 16GB).
Just replacing your hard disk to SSD, you computer will boots up 5 times faster.
Phase 2 is now on production server. We have added:
Automatic post deletion (currently 14 days, you can change this)
Improved multiple keyword search
Search by region
Reduced header size
Removed categories and increased post image size
Dynamic transition images on posts
Linked In, Pintrest, Google+ sharing
Updated email templates
Updated post URLs
Multiple region posts for admin user
It is 100% free to register and free to use.
HaHaHa ... They need better webpage ... PSPinc can help!
I met a statue coffeeshop today. It is a coffee shop selling coffee and gelato, donuts and sandwiches and wine. But the main concept has nothing to do with foos or drink. It is the environment and experience they are selling and people are coming in.
Of cause drinks and foods must be better than average, but their target is to make sure every customer is treated like he or she owns the place. This is very inspiring and interesting. I have a lot to learn from that.
Chat and Email are two communication medias that were created along with the internet. The main difference between the two is with the speed that they occur.
Chat is like having an actual conversation where one party says something and expects a reply in a couple of seconds. Email is more like sending ordinary snail mail where you write something and send it but expect a reply in anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
Another difference is that most often all outgoing and incoming email are stored both that your mailer and server where Chat communications are not stored in servers.
People are moving more toward chat now days than email. Does your company have chat system implemented?
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