私の一枚 5月5日のこどもの日に思うこと。少子化異次元対策は「子供だまし対策」 国は年収300万未満の人に結婚な可能対策を・・・(250×0.7=175人)の例です⁈
(May 5th is Children's Day It is a national holiday that honors children's personalities, seeks their happiness, and gives thanks to mothers. It is enacted by the National Holiday Law promulgated and enforced in July 1948 (Showa 23)
■現在の日本は「母に感謝」と辞書に記していますが→「両親が子供に感謝」→「国が子供に感謝」ではないですか? 昔から「子供は国の宝」とも言われています。 かつての日本軍国主義の一時期は、違った意味での国策でした。
In today's Japan, the dictionary says ``thanks to mothers,'' but isn't it ``parents thank their children'' and ``the country thanks their children''? It has long been said that "children are national treasures." A period of former Japanese militarism was a national policy in a different sense.
■現状把握 2020年代、日本の緊急課題は「少子化問題」です。 1.こどもの数は1465万人、41年連続の減少 2.こどもの割合は11.7%、 48年連続の低下 3.「将来推計人口」50年後の日本は87000万人に、2056年1億人割れ 出生率1.3%
Understanding the current situation In the 2020s, Japan's urgent issue is the declining birthrate. 1. The number of children is 14.65 million, the 41st consecutive year of decline 2. The ratio of children is 11.7%, the 48th consecutive year of decline 3. "Population projections for the future" Japan will reach 870 million in 50 years, falling below 100 million in 2056 Birth rate 1.3%
■当面の解決策 4.教育費(幼児保育・給食・教科書・課外活動・子ども手当・一切国負担)) Immediate solution Four. Educational expenses (child care, school lunches, textbooks, extracurricular activities, child allowances, all paid by the government) ■結婚出来る環境生に 5.人生設計が出来る社会改革
5-1 男女同一賃金
5-2 派遣社員・契約社員の解消
5-3 中小零細企業で働く待遇改善
5-4 年収300万板以下の人口2000万人の年収引き上げ対策
Environment students who can get married Five. Social reform that can design life 5-1 Equal pay for men and women 5-2 Dissolution of temporary employees and contract employees 5-3 Improving working conditions at micro, small and medium enterprises 5-4 Measures to raise the annual income of the population of 20 million with an annual income of 3 million plates or less
■最優先課題 上記項目5-4の・仮に年収2000万人の人たちが500万人結婚して250万人のカップルが誕生すると、その内の70が一人の子供が生まれると175万人の命が誕生することになります。 単純な小学1年生でも出来る算数です(250×0.7=175人)
Highest priority issues Item 5-4 above ・If 5 million people with an annual income of 20 million get married and 2.5 million couples are born, if 70 of them have one child, 1.75 million lives will be born. It will be. Arithmetic even simple first graders can do (250 x 0.7 = 175 people)
■しかし、年収を上げて結婚が可能な社会改革が出来るのは、国民が選んだ政治家です。 防衛よ対策予算先行>少子化対策は予算なし それって逆でしょう!
However, it is the politicians chosen by the people who can raise the annual income and make social reforms that allow marriage. Defense measures budget first > No budget for declining birthrate measures It would be the other way around!
■少子化が進むと、20代の若者も減ります。北朝鮮から飛んでくるミサイルで迎撃する人がいなくなりますよ? 防衛予算も大切ですが、組を守る人が先でしょう。
As the birth rate declines, the number of young people in their 20s will also decrease. There will be no one to intercept with missiles flying from North Korea, right? The defense budget is also important, but the person who protects the group should come first.
■ミサイルがあっても、それを撃つ人がいないという例を、日本では【宝の持ち腐れと】言います ミサイルはロボットでにでの作れますが、人はロボットは作れませんからね! だから防衛予算より少子化予算が先なのです。
Even if there are missiles, there is no one to shoot them. Robots can make missiles, but humans can't make robots! That's why the declining birthrate budget comes before the defense budget
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