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  • Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 30 電話の答え方(でんわのこたえかた)

Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 30 電話の答え方(でんわのこたえかた)

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Answering the Telephone

The phone is ringing -  how do you answer? In Japan, you often hear people say “Moshi Moshi”. “Moshi Moshi” is a way to ask “who are you / what do you want”? It is not very polite and in a business environment, you should answer by saying who you are.

When you call a company to ask for a specific person, you say “_____-san to ohanashi ga shitaino desuga”.

When someone asks to speak with someone else, they answer by saying:

  “____ ni toritsugi itashimasu” (I will transfer you now)

  ”_____ wa ima betsuno dennwa ni deteimasu” (_____ is on the other line)

  “____ wa seki o hazushite iimasu” (____ is not at their desk)

  “____ wa gaisyutsu shite imasu” (____ is out of the office) 

What is important here is that when you say your employee's name, you should not add "_____-san" or "___ manager", honorifics, or titles. Even if it is the President, it is polite to call them by just their last name.

In Japan, I often see people bow while talking on the phone as if they are talking face-to-face. Also, in Japan, talking on cell phones (especially speakerphones) is very disliked when there are other people around. So please be careful.

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