Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 107 お会計お願いします(おかいけいおねがいします)





Okaikei Onegaishimasu

In Japan, when you go to pay for your meal at a restaurant, you say, “Okaikei Onegasihsimasu”. If you want a receipt, you say, “Ryousyusho wo Itadakemasuka”

If you’re paying with a credit card instead of cash, ask the storeowner, “ka-do ha tsukaemasuka”. There are still some stores in Japan that only accept cash as payment, so it’s a good idea to ask if you can pay with your card when you enter the store.

As you may have noticed in Japan, people always stand up when receiving money, business cards, and/or greeting cards. The most obvious example of this is ticketing at the Midori-no-Madoguchi window of JR. The person at the window always stands up when handing out the ticket and money. Next time you’re in Japan, go and see for yourself.

That's it for this newsletter. I hope that the pandemic will end soon so I’ll be able to go back to Japan.

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