Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 157 実際にはあまり使われない言葉(じっさいにはあまりつかわれないことば)
Uncommon Japanese Words from Anime
Many of you may want to learn Japanese because you love anime. Today I’d like to go over some Japanese words from anime and manga that we know the meaning of but aren’t really used commonly.
Uesama means “majesty” or “emperor”. In historical dramas, it also means “shogun or “lord”. But in today’s society, no one would be called uesama.
Japanese people rarely use the word, “kiden”, so it’s mostly only used in anime or manga.
Zettei yurusan
It’s usually used in cartoons before the counterattack begins and “You’re not gonna get away with this!” would be the English equivalent of this word.
People seem to say “Gyafun” after losing a fight, but what does it actually mean? It may demonstrate a feeling of getting trampled.
In a manga, being awakened demonstrates when you realize your new ability. But it doesn’t mean you’re actually awakened. The word, awakening, can also have a bad meaning because awakening in Japanese is “kakusei”, which is close to the word, “kakusei-zai”, which refers to illegal drugs.
We see this word used in comic books at the end of sentences sometimes, and it’s similar to “degozamasu”, which comes from the edo period. But it isn’t really common to use in real life.
Gojaru, gozaru, and gozans
These words are also just words used at the end of sentences without any real meaning attached to them. “Gozaru" is an old word that we also don’t use today and is close to “gozaimasen”.
When we say goodbye in Japanese, we don’t really use expressions like “saraba”, “saraba de gozaru”, or “osaraba”.
Foreign Matter
We say “foreign body” to refer to something unknown, but we don’t necessarily say it in general colloquial language.
In addition to these, there are many other expressions from anime and manga. Some of them make sense but aren’t commonly used. Are there any expressions in anime and manga that you find interesting? Please let us know.
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