Blog Thread
- Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 158 日本の温泉・銭湯で禁止されていること(にほんのおんせん・せんとうできんしされていること)
- 浴場に入るときは下着・水着を含む衣類を着てはいけません。
- 浴槽に入る前には体をよく洗ってください。
- 入れ墨・タトゥーのある方は浴場の利用はできません。シールなどで隠せる場合は隠してください。
- タオルを浴槽に入れてはいけません。
- 浴場では走ったり泳いではいけません。また頭を浴槽に入れてはいけません。
- 携帯電話を含む医療目的以外の電子機器を持ち込んではいけません。
- 洗濯・染髪をしてはいけません。
- 浴槽の中で髪や体を洗ってはいけません。
- 洗い場でシャワーを使う場合は、他のお客様にシャワーがかからないようにしてください。
- おむつを使っている方は浴場の利用はできません。
- 脱衣場に移動する前に体をよく拭いてください。
- 飲食物は浴場に持ち込みできません。
Rules for Using Onsen and Sento in Japan
Please refer to the following general rules within onsen (hot springs) and sento (public bathhouses).
- Do not wear clothing when entering the bath area, this includes underwear and swimsuits.
- Wash your body thoroughly before entering the bathtub.
- People with tattoos are not allowed to use bathhouses. If they can hide them with stickers or by other means, they are encouraged to do so.
- Do not put towels in the bathtub.
- Do not run or swim in the bathhouse.
- Do not put your head in the bathtub.
- No electronic devices (other than for medical purposes) may be brought into the bath, including cell phones.
- No washing or dyeing your hair.
- No washing your body in the bathtub.
- If you use the shower in the washroom, please do not shower with other guests.
- People who wear diapers are not allowed to use the bathhouse.
- Please wipe yourself off well before moving to the changing rooms.
- Eating and/or drinking is not allowed within the bath area.
These rules are established with hygiene in mind. Please note that if you violate any of these guidelines, you may be requested to leave.
A yokujou is the room where you take off your clothes to enter the bath area. The changing area and the bath area are separated by a door. At the entrance to the bath area, there is a pot filled with hot water. It is proper etiquette to use the hot water within the pot to rinse oneself. A yokusou is a bathtub within the bath area for hot or cold water.
As previously mentioned, if you have tattoos, you are not allowed to enter the facility. If the tattoo is small, it must be covered with a sticker. This is because tattoos are associated with "yakuza", the gang culture in Japan. It is best to assume that no exceptions are made for people from other countries.
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