Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 245 アニメでしか使われない言葉や言い回し(アニメでしかつかわれないことばやいいまわし)

Japanese Online...

1. 「なん…だと?」

2. 「〇〇だぜ!」「〇〇じゃねぇ!」

3. 「これが…(おれ)本気(ほんき)だ!」

4. 「フフフ、面白(おもしろ)い…」

5. 「覚悟(かくご)しろ!」

6. 「お(まえ)はもう()んでいる」

7. 「(しん)じてたよ、裏切(うらぎ)らないって!」

8. 「バカな!」

9. 「やれやれだぜ」

10. 「(おれ)のターン!」

11. 「ついにこの(とき)()た!」

12. 「わたし、()けない!」

13. 「〇〇(キャラクター(めい))!お(まえ)(ちから)()せてやれ!」

14. 「覚醒(かくせい)した」 

Words and phrases used only in anime
Unique words and phrases used in anime are often not used in everyday life and are used to emphasize the world of anime and the characters' personalities. The following are examples of such anime-specific words and phrases.

1. “What...you mean?”
This is a common line in anime and is used when you are faced with a surprising or unbelievable situation. It is not often used in everyday conversation and is used to convey a sense of urgency. 

2. "It's a ○○!" / "It ain't a ○○!"
These are crude phrases often used by male characters and are casual, slightly rough versions of "It's a ○○" and "It's not a ○○". Few people speak this way in real conversation, but it is used to emphasize the personality of an anime character.

3. “This...is my real intention!”
This line is mainly used in battle-based anime and is often said at the moment a character gives his/her all or when they release their final power. It is rarely used in everyday life.

4. “Hmph, interesting...”
This is used when an enemy or enigmatic character shows interest in something with an eerie laugh. It is a phrase unique to anime, as it seems quite exaggerated in everyday speech. 

5. “Brace yourselves!”
A provocative phrase used to address an enemy or opponent. It frequently appears in battle anime but is rarely used in everyday conversation. 

6. “You are already dead.”
This is a line from the famous anime "Fist of the North Star," meaning that the enemy has already suffered a fatal attack before realizing their fate. Such overly dramatic phrases are unique to anime.

7. “I believed you, you would not betray me!”
This phrase emphasizes the sentiment of believing in one's friends and comrades. It is often used to heighten the dramatic and emotional scenes in anime.

8. “Bakana!”
This short phrase expresses surprise or confusion when a character is confronted with something unexpected. It is especially frequently used when an enemy witnesses an unexpected force.

9. “Oh dear, man!”
This line is mainly used by cool characters when they are bewildered or in trouble. It is a famous line from Jotaro Sorajo, a character in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. 

10. “My turn!”
This phrase is used in card games and battle scenes to start your action. It became especially famous in the “Yu-Gi-Oh!

11. “The time has finally come!”
This phrase is used at the climax of a story or just before an important event, to build up a sense of anticipation and tension. 

12. “I will not be defeated!”
This phrase is mainly used by female characters to express their determination to face difficulties. It is frequently used in battle or challenge scenes. 

13. “00 (character's name)! Show them what you can do!”
A line used in battle and sports anime to send support and encouragement to friends and allies. It is a standard phrase to enliven a heated development.

14. “Awakened”
The phrase “awakened” is another common phrase used in anime, and appears frequently, especially in battle-based anime and fantasy works. This phrase is used in scenes where a character awakens to a powerful or hidden ability and displays overwhelming power.

These words and phrases are often used to emphasize the exaggerated expressions and dramatic developments in anime and are unique expressions not usually heard in the real world. Depending on the anime genre and character, these phrases further describe the character's personality and develop the story.

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