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  • My Newsletteer Vol 13

My Newsletteer Vol 13

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My Newsletteer Vol 13
Ken Uchikura Newsletter Vol. 13

Dear Reader,

How do you come up with a new business, new product or new service? Sometimes I come up with them while I am sleeping, driving, eating, talking, even using the bathroom…. They usually sound like great ideas when I thought about them. Then I look them up later and say to myself “What was I thinking.” But once in a while you still think an idea is great. I write them up in an email and send it to myself. The current list contains 80 lines and about half of them are crossed out as impossible.

They key is to make something quick and cheap so other people will get the basic idea. We call this quick prototyping. If the idea is so big you need funding, you may have to scale down the project or find Powerpoint investors. I am sure there are people who invest in a product based on Powerpoint but I have never tried to raise money using Powerpoint. I am not discouraging you to do this, but I just want to control things by myself.

You've heard of the saying “The grass is always greener on the other side”, haven’t you? When you read this newsletter you might think 'Ken must have an easy job and not worry about anything'. The company is making money and he is playing golf all the time. That is far from my real life. First of all, I have played golf only once this year. Okay, this may be due to the fact the golf course is closed due to the snow. Not having any problems is something I wish for every day. As a matter of fact, it is super rare that I don’t have something that needs my attention.

So, I have plenty of things that I need to do. But those things do not stop me from thinking about new business opportunities and products. If I don’t think about something new, I go crazy. That is the reason why I would really like to meet you and hear what you think. You are in a different business so chances are you have thought of something different. I would really like to know. Can we explore some new business opportunities together? That is the base of my message.

I met Kim-Fu from my last newsletter. He is with a company called SPF.IO. The company has a very interesting technology and business model. I do not know what I or PSPinc can do. But we will find out. I really love meeting people.

I am sending this newsletter using PSPinc’s own email broadcasting system, NewsMAIL. If you would like to publish your own newsletter, please let PSPinc know.

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