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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Day 131

Day 131 Day 131
Pompom walked and did his thing this morning. And we pressure cooked some meat to maki soft. He ate some. Considering he was not able to eat at all for two days, it is a progress. It is a good Sunday.
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Day 130

Day 130
Pompom is still very weak from the chemotherapy yesterday morning. He did not want to walk this morning. But that might be because it is very cold out. I hope this chemo drug has good effect on his lymphoma. I am keeping my eyes on him.

I also found out he has an allergy so I started giving him eye drops.
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Day 129

Day 129
According to X-ray, his airway is narrow but little more open. However his lymph nodes are still enlarged. We are starting new chemo med today to see if we can make them smaller. The side effect of this new chemo is lowering of his white blood cells. So we must start him on antibiotics as well. We are running out of medication. I hope this works.
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Day 128

We could not go for a mornin... We could not go for a morning walk because of the rain.
Pompom woke up couple of times with hard breathing ... But he went back to sleep quietly after few minutes. He ate little bit of Brazilian Cheese Bread (Pao de Queijo) which I got from the restaurant I went to last night.

He will have his vet visit tomorrow morning. I hope he eats his meal this afternoon.
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Day 127

Day 127
Pompom slept well last night but still have very little appetite. Someone suggested Hemp Oil ... But I am not sure if I want to go there. Pompom's breathing problem is not constant. It happens sometime. I will have doctor's visit this Friday.
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Day 126

Pompom did not want walk mu... Pompom did not want walk much this morning.
Pompom started to breath harder yesterday. I am very worried ... The chemo drug he is taking orally does not seem to have as strong an effect as others he had taken at the vet.

His next visit is in three days. We need to make his enlarged Lymph Nodes shrink. His fight continues.
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Day 125

Day 125
Pompom took his medications with Croissant. Yesterday he took them with chicken jerky. He does not have bad breathing problem like he had couple of weeks ago. I think Chemotherapy making his enlarged lymph nodes shrink.

But it is like a house of cards, I do not know when it just crashes. I hope we can keep him this way for a long time. Mayumi is coming back today, so he will be alone starting tonight. I must thank Tiny and Nano to be with Pompom.
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Mayumi is Coming Back Tomorrow

Mayumi is Coming Back Tomor...
Mayumi Nakamura is finishing her business trip to Japan and coming back tomorrow. Tiny and Nano will go home tomorrow night. I think Nano will be very happy with Mayumi. Tiny on the other hand is happy with Pompom.

Have a good trip back, Mayumi.
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Day 124

Day 124
I managed to give Pompom chemo drug and steroid pill. That is an accomplishment. Pompom continues to breath well compared to few weeks ago. I really we can keep him this way.
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Day 123

He swallowed one this morning... He swallowed one this morning. Great job! Day 123
4 months has passed since Pompom started Chemotherapy. This morning, after the walk, he jumped of from my car at the office parking and run to the front door of my office. He is doing great. I hope we can keep him this healthy as long as we can.

I think Tiny and Nano are with us giving Pompom more energy.
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