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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

PSPINC mouse pad

PSPINC mouse pad
PSPINC mouse pad for 2012 - 2013 is available. Does anyone want one?
#Computer #Internet

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PSPINC 25th Anniversary Tonight

PSPINC 25th Anniversary Tonight
PSPINC will he hosting its 25th anniversary dinner at Redmond Town Center tonight.
#Business #Marketing

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New Office at Sea-Tac

New Office at Sea-Tac
ANA just opened it Seattle office at SeaTac. The regular service between Seattle and Narita starts on July 25th.
#Business #Marketing

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In Tokyo

In Tokyo
I saw this in Tokyo on my way from the airport to my hotel. Thousands of people are demonstrating in Tokyo to stop nuclear reactors from restarting. What's funny is that there are try few news coverage by media in Japan.
#Life #Politics #Society

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Doesn't it look like ...

Doesn't it look like ...
Windows Logo?
#Business #Marketing

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Summer is here in Seattle

Summer is here in Seattle
We get this type of day, maybe, 1 month out of a year ... But when it comes, it sure feels great.

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Fun with Cameras

Fun with Cameras
Changing the view hight is one of many ways to take interesting pictures. People usually take picture in front of their face. That make every picture looks the same. Once in while, you might want to bring camera closer to the ground take a picture like this. You may find something interesting and fun.

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Happy Pompom

Happy Pompom
Pompom is happy! Actually, sleeping.
#Animals #Pets

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To understand how big the storage is, one might get better idea by knowing how many pictures and movies you can store instead of knowing the MB and GB...
#Computer #Internet

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Back in Seattle

Back in Seattle
I arrived back in Seattle this morning. Something amazing happened. I arrived and went through a passport control (Immigration) and went down to baggage claim area where I usually have to wait long time. But today my back came out within few minutes. That is the record at SEA-TAC.

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