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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Sasaiwai Challenge)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Sasaiwai Sake Brewery is a locally cherished sake brewery in Niigata prefecture always taking on new challenges, boasting over 100 years of history since its foundation in 1899. This brewery is known for its “challenge brew” involving farmers, sake retail shops, and consumers to express new sake flavors from Niigata prefecture not limited to smooth and dry. Marketing strategies for cloudy sake, sake produced by kimoto method (rare in kimoto Niigata prefecture), and other innovative challenges are taken on vigorously. This fifth product was recently released.
The product name is “Sasaiwai Challenge Niten-Gonomaki.” For this challenge, two types of sake – Honjozo and Junmai – using the same sake rice and rice-polishing ratio were released at the same time. The label is illustrated with a pair of sweet pandas, reminiscent of Nio Guardians and guardian dogs. As many consumers reference the label to discern Junmai from sake with distilled alcohol added, the label seems to be asking, “Do you really dislike the flavor of Honjozo (Junmai)? Do you dislike the flavor without even sampling it? Why not sample and compare both to decide what flavor you like for yourself?
The controversy surrounding the essence of recent Japanese sake seems to evoke cult-like angry passion among some, liberal information cited by strangers, and vague opinions with some labels worded condescendingly by sake producers, etc. However, I felt this sake label with two adorable pandas show the Sasaguchi Brewery owner’s passion for the Japanese sake industry. I believe the brewery owner is suggesting customers sample sake they don’t normally drink and compare the flavor to sake they enjoy drinking and savor the difference with a smile. The sake leaflet shows the two adorable pandas, Honjozo is traditional for both sake. Those who don’t understand maybe a bit close-minded.
On the other hand, one argument reads Junmai is more popular, the same relationship between guardian dogs and Nio Guardians. This means read between the lines and understand mentally without an explanation. It’s not about distilled alcohol added sake, Junmai, or anything else explained in colorful words, but the essence of sake understood by the heart without any explanation.
It’s natural to have preferences for luxury sake brands. However, it’s such a waste to select sake simply because its junmai, Honjozo, or specifically designated sake. Also, it’s fun to take on the new challenge of discovering different flavors according to the region, sake brewery, or through this Sasaiwai Challenge. The Sasaiwai Sake Brewery’s panda, sure to continue evolving, will no doubt continue to captivate our attention.


 明治32年創業、新潟県で地元に愛される地酒中の地酒を造る笹祝酒造は100年以上の歴史を大事にしつつ、新たなチャレンジを常に行っている。笹祝酒造のチャレンジで有名なのは「challenge brew」
と題した酒造り。農家や酒販店や消費者を巻き込み淡麗辛口だけではない新潟の新たな酒を表現し続けている。にごり酒のマーケット戦略、新潟県では珍しい生酛(きもと)造りなど、革新的なチャレンジを精力的に行っている。その第五弾が先日発売された。「笹祝challenge brew 伍ノ巻」である。今回は、なんと同じ酒米・同じ精米歩合の本醸造と純米の2種類同時発売である。ラベルには、ほぼ同じ可愛いパンダのイラストが阿吽の一対になっており、仁王像や狛犬を連想させる。純米かアルコール添加かをラベル情報で判断して飲み分けている人が多い中、「本当に本醸造(純米)の味は嫌いですか?飲まず嫌いではないですか?2本飲み比べてもう一度判断しませんか。」というメッセージが込められている感じがする。昨今の日本酒の本質を巡る論争には、オカルティックな怒りとかリベラル的な他人の情報を間借りした答えの無いよく解らない意見や、メーカー側が飲み手を馬鹿にしたようなラベルが有ったりするのだが、私はこの可愛いパンダの2つのラベルに笹口蔵元の日本酒の世界に対する愛情を深く感じた。普段手を出さない酒と好きな酒を飲み比べ、その良さを笑顔で再認識出来る最善の策を蔵元は打ち出したと思っている。酒の案内書には、2頭のパンダが、互いの酒に対して、本醸造は伝統的だ。理解できない人は頭が固い。いややっぱり人気は純米だと議論をしていると書いてあった。しかしこのパンダ達は阿吽の関係である。狛犬や仁王像と同じ阿吽の関係にある。この阿吽、阿吽の呼吸などと使われる言葉だが、この意味の中には、心で感じるとか暗黙の理解といった意味が有る。アル添酒がどうとか、純米酒がどうかは、言葉で色々と語り合うものでは無い。この酒の本質である心の伝達や暗黙の理解であると思う。このパンダ達も、それを言葉で発しているわけではないのである。嗜好品の酒には好き嫌いが有って当然なのである。しかし、純米だからとか本醸造だからと特定名称で酒を選ぶのも勿体ないし、地方や酒蔵で味は全く違うのを知る事や、今回の笹祝酒造のチャレンジ酒の様に、新たな発見が出来る酒を飲み手側もチャレンジしてみるのも面白いと思う。今後も変化を続けるであろう笹祝酒造のパンダに今後も目が離せない。

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Yoshinoya’s Original Sake)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Any Japanese national is familiar with the beef bowl chain, Yoshinoya Co., Ltd. Founded in Tokyo’s Nihonbashi district in 1899, Yoshinoya since relocated to the Tsukiji Market (currently closed since the market relocated to the Toyosu area). The restaurant chain was named after its founder Eikochi Matsuda from Yoshino town, Noda village, Nishinari district, Osaka prefecture (currently Yoshino town, Fukushima ward, Osaka prefecture). Renowned for low prices and speedy service competitive against other fast food restaurants, Yoshinoya is a popular restaurant chain representative of the economical and speedy fast food sector of today’s food service industry. A global restaurant chain, Yoshinoya serves its signature beef bowls in China, Malaysia, Singapore, U.S., etc.
Depending on the time of day and restaurant location, Yoshinoya serves sake like an izakaya restaurant, popular as a casual place to enjoy sake economically among young customers and businessmen. The beef bowl chain serves Honjozo sake from Hakuro Brewery in Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture for over twenty-five years. Sake brewing rice “Gohyakumangoku” from Niigata prefecture is used to prepare koji rice, developed as nama-chozo (sake pasteurized only once), capitalizing on the flavor of draft sake to produce “Yoshinoya’s Honjozo Nama-Chozo.” Yoshinoya’s original sake is characteristic for its koji aroma, original umami flavor from rice, refreshing with a light palate, versatile sake compatible with beef and suitable for pairing with any menu selection.

Here is how sake connoisseurs can savor sake with beef bowl as recommended by a sake brewer:
① First, take a small sip of cold sake. The right level of acidity stimulates the appetite.

② Take a bite of beef
Savor the concentrated beef flavor, and then continue onto the next glass of sake. Repeat several times.

③ Sprinkle sliced red ginger pieces on the beef. Sliced ginger adds saltiness and acidity to the beef abundant in sweet and umami flavors.
Season with Hachimi Japanese peppers (Japanese chili pepper blended of eight spices) as needed.

④ Savor some beef, then chase with cold sake. Enjoy all five senses of the slightly bitter sake flavor left on the palate (sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and savory flavors).
Pickled vegetables and kimchi are recommended in between.

“Yoshinoya’s Honjozo Nama-Chozo” will be released this spring. Since dining out is discouraged in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Yoshinoya’s long-standing takeout service with short waiting time offers a competitive advantage. Some areas offer delivery services without the need to pick-up the food yourself, a service welcomed by female customers who may feel hesitant to enter a restaurant alone. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to order takeout, enjoy sake, and rediscover the delicious flavors of Yoshinoya beef bowls with sake?

 日本人なら誰でも知っている牛丼屋と言えば吉野家だろう。吉野家は、1899年(明治32年)に東京・日本橋で創業し、その後築地に移転(現在は市場の豊洲移転により閉店)。創業者・松田栄吉が大阪府西成郡野田村字吉野(現在の大阪市福島区吉野)の出身だったことから屋号が吉野家になったとのこと。低価格と他のファストフード店と比べても一線を画す提供スピードが話題になり、低価格路線の外食産業における代表的なチェーン店のひとつとして今も人気である。そして現在では、海外にも出店しており、中国やマレーシア、シンガポールやアメリカ等でも吉野家の牛丼を食べることが出来る。吉野家では店舗と時間によるが、居酒屋感覚で酒を飲むことが出来る。【吉呑み】などと言われ、気軽に安く飲めることもあり、若者やサラリーマンの間で人気である。そして吉野家で25年以上使われている日本酒が新潟県長岡市の柏露(はくろ)酒造の本醸造酒である。麹米には新潟県生まれの酒造好適米「五百万石」を使用し、ファストフードという業態を加味し、生酒の風味を生かせる生貯蔵で牛皿に合う日本酒として開発され完成したのが「吉野家 本醸造生貯蔵酒」である。この酒は、ふんわりと香る麹の香りと米本来の旨味、そしてキレの良い軽快な味わいが売りで、牛皿との相性は勿論こと、どんな料理にでも合わせられる万能酒である。酒蔵が勧める通の楽しみ方が、
この「吉野家 本醸造生貯蔵酒」が今春から一般販売されることになった。コロナ過で外食をしにくい昨今、吉野家は昔からテイクアウトをやっており、店内であまり待たされること無く、持ち帰りが出来るという利点がある。しかも地域によっては出前サイトに掲載されており、店舗まで行く必要が無いので、今まで一人で入店するのに足踏みしていた女性にも嬉しい話である。これを機に、牛丼・牛皿をテイクアウトして、この酒で楽しんで、吉野家の良さを再認識してみてはどうだろうか。

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (New Initiative)

By Ryuji Takahashi

When Japanese sake is introduced overseas, sake is often explained in terms of wine. When I’m requested to organize a sake seminar overseas, I also explain sake in terms of wine. However, not all aspects of sake could be explained in the same terms as wine, as there are many differences. Needless to say, the ingredients are different, and while is produced by simple fermentation, while sake is produced by multiple sequential fermentation. The difference is evident in the ingredients and brand classification method. If sake is produced from rice, only the production region and variant is recognized; while wine produced from the same variant and production region are classified by the altitudes of the vineyard.
Citing the high-end wine producer Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (DRC) as an example, wine produced from grapes of the same pinot noir variant in the same region is still labeled as different wine brands due to the difference in high/low altitudes of the vineyard. Since the difference in altitude can generate differences in soil components, etc., wine produced at a lower altitude than the vineyard producing the high-end DRC will be priced slightly lower as the brand Romanee St. Vivant to distinguish the brand by the altitude of the vineyard. In DRC’s vineyard, the plot used to produce Romanée-conti constitutes only ten percent of the vineyard.
In this way, Yasuhiro Shibuya, sommelier and CEO of the Grand Cru Wine Company Tokyo took on the challenge to produce the highest quality of sake from the same rice variant in the same region by selecting only one rice field with the terroir in mind in terms of wine terminology. Shibuya recruited master sake brewer Iwao Takahashi from the Kanemasu Brewery (Shibata city, Niigata prefecture), a renowned local sake producer whom he hit it off with and agreed to help revitalize the local economy together by producing their sake brand “Domaine Takahashi.” The term Domaine refers to a small-scale winery using grapes carefully grown by a producer with thorough consideration of the weather, climate, growing conditions, etc., to produce wine.
In that sense, master sake brewer Takahashi also produces Kanemasu Brewery’s original brand of sake “Koshi-tanrei” from sake rice grown in Niigata prefecture with his thorough knowledge of regional characteristics, close attention to the quality of ingredients, and brews sake with a stoic attitude. Therefore, Kanemasu Brewery could be considered the Domaine of Japan. Shibuya chose his sake rice field for its slope offering good scenery, similar to a vineyard. “Domaine Takahashi” was completed by crowd funding and delivered to participants. Would the first sip deliver the beautiful rice fields of Shibata city in the eyes of the consumer? I won’t know until I taste it myself. However, this branding method deserves attention as a new test case to revitalize the local economy and rebuild sake breweries in my opinion.



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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Blue Note TOKYO)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Celebrating the New Year, Tokyo is still in the middle of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. I finished my work for 2020 on January 1, and started my New Years holiday on January 2. However, drinking at home is nothing different from the ordinary, so I attended a live jazz performance by Hiromi Uehara at the jazz club Blue Note Tokyo.
At the live performance titled “Save Live Music Returns Hiromi Piano Quintet,” jazz club Blue Note was thorough in their measures to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. Temperatures were taken, sterilization and social-distancing were practiced thoroughly. Cheering was prohibited during the live performance, which allowed only clapping instead. While meals are normally permitted, masks were required, which prohibited meals from being served, with only beverages served instead.
This was a live performance to celebrate the New Year, of course I wanted to enjoy sake. Staff at Blue Note must’ve been aware, as cask sake by Kikusui Sake Co., Ltd. (Shibata, Niigata) was placed right beside the entrance.
Funaguchi cup sake and Kikusui Gorohachi Nigori Sake are familiar brands. I’m sure many of our readers have seen the Funaguchi cup sake at the local grocery store. Needless to say, the sake menu listed only three sake selections by Kikusui Brewery: “Kikusui Organic Junmai Ginjo,” “Funaguchi Namagenshu,” and “Mukantei.” My recommendation is the cocktail “HARMONY,” combining Kikusui sake and plum wine with yuzu and apple juice, a beverage that reflects the live piano quintet. I wanted to try a beverage unique to Blue Note, rather than the usual Kikusui sake I could drink anytime, so I ordered the cocktail “HARMONY.” As I imagined, the cocktail was low in alcohol content, sweet, and easy to drink.
The sake flavor was detectable in the sake cocktail. Drinking since the evening of January 1, this was the perfect cocktail for me. On the other hand, the live piano performance by Hiromi Uehara was arranged with violins (1st and 2nd), a viola, and cello for the first time; a spectacular performance I couldn't take my eyes off of from beginning to end. Uehara changes the arrangement (quintet, solo, duo) on her long-running concert spanning eighteen days. However, the concert after the New Years was postponed mid-January, when Tokyo issued a state of emergency declaration on January 18. I look forward to the day we can cheer on a world-renowned jazz performance without hesitation, without wearing a mask.

「Save Live Music Returns Hiromi Piano Quintet」と題されたライブでコロナ対策は、さすがブルーノート。検温・消毒・ソーシャルディスタンスに関しては、完璧でライブ中歓声はNG、拍手のみといった徹底ぶりだった。通常食事も出来るのだが、基本はマスク着用になるので食事等は中止でドリンクだけが注文出来る様になっていた。

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Tokyo Jizake Strolling (Kanemasu Brewery, Year End Blowout Sale)

By Ryuji Takahashi

Tokyo is facing the end of this year very different from the previous year due to the coronavirus increasingly spreading and restaurants requested to shorten business hours since November. Corporations are prohibited from hosting large banquets, while restaurants close at 22:00 with half the rotations of the previous year. When that happens, sake shops are forced to face challenges due to reduced sake orders from restaurants. To overcome these challenges, we must sell sake directly to families. Therefore, Kanemasu Brewery in Niigata prefecture held a storefront blowout sale in mid-December. Kanemasu Brewery sold their specialty sake brands【Hatsuhana, Junmai Daiginjo】sold only once every few years as their featured sake products for the end of the year and the upcoming New Year.  
The sake labels are old, special to consumers who know the long history of Kanemasu Brewery. The first store opened in Nagatoro, Okagata in Niigata prefecture (currently Niigata city) in 1822. The brewery relocated to Nametoko, Nigori-kawamura (currently in Niigata city) in 1883. The third generation owner is said to have relocated the warehouse to the former Shibata feudal lord Mizoguchi’s personal vegetable garden site (currently the city of Shibata)(vegetable garden refers to an herb garden). After World War II ended in 1945, the fourth generation owner foresaw expanded demand for western alcoholic beverages due to the occupying forces, acquired a whiskey distillery permit, and launched the original brand of malt, producing and selling whiskey until relinquishing the production permit in 2010.
The management structure was renewed in 2010 with classic sake brands “Blue Label” and “Red Label” consolidated as the sake brand “Hatsuhana.” Capitalizing on the regional advantage of being a “rice production region with abundant water,” the brewery joined with a local farmer and founded the Knau Company in 2017. Since then, the company started focusing their efforts growing its own brand of sake rice and brewing sake consistent with local production. Thanks to the brewery’s long history, the company’s footwork is light, posting fliers throughout the neighborhood before the year-end blowout sale.
As expected, the high-end Junmai Daiginjo aged three years sold in large quantities along with new sake brewed from new rice. I felt the outdoor dining restrictions this year are forcing people to drink at home, thus many people are seeking higher quality sake to consume at home. This year, many sake breweries closed their doors or reduced their business scale due to the coronavirus. To keep renowned breweries and their long-established history alive, I recommend readers to enjoy quality sake at home.


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Get Your Appetite Back with Sake

By Yuji Matsumoto

The other day I had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas due to business, but couldn't believe that the day high was 45 degrees C (113 degF). With hot winds and scorching heat that may seem to melt the asphalt, I lost my appetite and found myself in an unhealthy predicament to spend a whole week in an air-conditioned room.

To ease my body from this heat, I decided to join (mariage) miso grill with a summer favorite vegetable nasu (eggplant) with extremely cold "Junmai Daiginjyo" .

Nasu doesn't contain much of nutrition value, but as you know miso (soybean paste) helps you with fatigue recovery, cancer prevention, cholesterol control, proper bowel movement, beauty improvement, brain activation, age prevention, stimulation of body function etc and the list goes on. Also, soybeans that are the main content contain fine quality protein, an abundance of necessary amino acids, saponin that is known to prevent increase of peroxide lipids, different vitamins, potassium, and food fibers etc. You couldn't be more than happy that miso goes well with Japanese sake.

So why don't we enjoy ourselves by having high nutritional value miso food and Junmai Daiginjo and help our body recover from the summer heat.











니혼슈(일본술)로 식욕 회복

얼마 전 출장으로 라스베가스에 갈 기회가 있었는데 무려 낮 기온이 섭씨 45도였습니다. 아스팔트도 녹일 듯한 뜨거운 열기에 지치고 식욕도 없어져 방에 틀어 박혀 에어컨을 틀고서는 일주일을 나른하게 보냈습니다.

그렇게 늘어진 몸에 활력을 불어 넣고자 여름 제철 채소, 가지를 이용한 일본의 미소된장 가지구이에 시원하게 보관한 준마이 다이긴죠(純米大吟醸)를 페어링 해봤습니다.

가지는 그 자체로 영양가가 많은 편이 아니나, 미소된장은 알려진 바와 같이 피로 회복, 암 예방, 콜레스테롤 억제, 소화 촉진, 정장 작용, 미용 효과, 뇌 활성화, 노화 방지, 기초 대사 촉진 등 그 효능이 이루 셀 수 없이 많습니다. 또한 주원료인 대두에는 양질의 단백질이 다량 함유되어 있으며 필수 아미노산 외에도 과산화지질의 증가를 막는다는 사포닌, 비타민 군, 칼륨, 칼슘, 식이섬유 등 각종 영양소가 풍부하게 들어 있습니다. 게다가 미소된장은 니혼슈와도 잘 어울려 더할 나위 없는 기쁨을 선사합니다.

이번 기회에 영양가 높은 미소된장 요리와 함께 준마이 다이긴죠를 한잔 기울이며 여름철 더위로 지친 몸과 마음의 활기를 되찾아 보는 것은 어떨까요.
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Enjoy sake more casually

By Yuji Matsumoto

Japanese sake is still a largely unfamiliar beverage to American consumers.
Ninety percent of sake is consumed in restaurants, indicating the unfortunate reality that sake is still far from being casually enjoyed in private homes and parties.

One of the reasons is because the true flavors of sake and how they’re enjoyed is not widely introduced. Therefore, to American diners, sake is still a unique beverage to be enjoyed at local sushi bars. Also, because the prices can be at times higher, products may not be lined visibly on store shelves and information may be lacking on labels, which may be contributing to this issue.

In this issue, I will give you a simple overview of how to select sake.

First, it’s important to decide what menu selections to enjoy the sake with. Similar to how wine enhances the foods you eat, sake is also to be enjoyed during meals.

Meat dishes: Junmai or Junmai Kimoto is recommended (from Kyushu, Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku or Nada regions)

Chicken dishes: Ginjo class (from Hiroshima, Niigata, Nada, Hokuriku, and Kanto regions) is recommended

Fish dishes: Ginjo and Daiginjo class (Niigata, Hiroshima, Shikoku, Kyoto regions) are recommended.

Of course, flavoring and preparation methods will influence your choice of sake, but first, it would be interesting to sample sake by region.













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First in the world! Ginjo event held at the United Nations Headquarters: Part I

By Kosuke Kuji

The first Ginjo event in the world was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York several years ago. This was the first Japanese sake event held in the world inside the United Nations headquarters by the “Japan Premium Sake Association,” of which I’m also a member, jointly with the Japanese Government.

To briefly describe the background that led to this first Ginjo sake event held at the United Nations in the world, the organization “Japan Premium Sake Association” (of which I’m a member) was founded in 1981 with an ambitious goal to make Ginjo sake widespread and casually enjoyed throughout Japan, at a time when Ginjo sake was produced only as submissions for sake competitions, even in Japan.

Sake in the Japanese market at the time consisted mostly of sake brands advertised in commercials produced by major sake producers. At the time, sake was distinguished mostly as first or second grade sake, with special-designation sake such as Junmai not yet distributed.

At a time when sake was not named according to the production method or sake ingredients, most sake such as Ginjo and Junmai were all classified as “second grade.”

The National Tax Administration Agency sponsored the only competition for domestic sake production techniques in Japan at the time, the “Annual Japan Sake Awards.” The sake production techniques used for the Daiginjo recognized with the Gold Prize was used on a trial-and-error basis to produce sake that would sell in the market.

While this was an impossible feat for one company alone, forty-three breweries awarded the Gold Prize during the Annual Japan Sake Awards gathered at the time to make quality Ginjo sake widespread in the domestic market.
To be continued in the next issue…

酒豪大陸 「世界初!国連(UN)本部での吟醸酒の会 その1」

ニューヨークにある国際連合(国連 UN)本部で、世界初の吟醸酒の会が数年前に開催されました。国連本部内での日本酒のイベントは世界初で、その世界で初めての酒の会を私も加盟する「日本吟醸酒協会」という団体と、日本国政府との共催で行いました。






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Joy of Sake Tokyo

By Kosuke Kuji
"The U.S. National Sake Appraisal" that has been held every year since 2001 was held again this year. Entries of over 350 sakes are evaluated by 10 judges from Japan and the U.S. After the judging results, a "Gold Award" and a "Silver Award" is given to the top scored sakes, and additionally a "Grand Prize" and "Second Grand Prize" are awarded to the sakes that scored the highest in overall evaluation from the gold awards. 

This year's grand prize and second grand prize are announced on our homepage.

Of those winners, we are excited that our company's Tokubetsu Junmai won the Second Grand Prize in Junmai category.

The award ceremony will be held at "Joy of Sake" in Tokyo.  Also, "Joy of Sake" was held in New York and Honolulu besides Tokyo.

It is a fact that "Joy of Sake" has a very long history, and out of all these cities, this one to be held in Tokyo will be the last gathering.  To be held in November, it is a time when it is getting extremely cold in Japan and it's a very good season to enjoy drinking sake. 

To be held in Gotanda in Tokyo, there is a lot of excitement with lots of Japanese and foreigners living in Japan attending.

There are many different sake gatherings in Japan, but there are probably only a few of them like ours with so many foreigners attending.

This is a meeting where you can find out the trend of sake around the world while you are in Japan.

There are sakes introduced by U.S. breweries recently and you may call this an evaluation meeting of worldwide scale that is very much alive.

It's the same for sake category of International Wine Challenge (IWC), sake is being evaluated in different ways worldwide, not only in Japan, many new people are coming to the meetings to enjoy sake, and I can only help but feel that Japanese sake is becoming the sake of the world.

酒豪大陸「JOY OF SAKE 東京」



この表彰式は、全米日本酒歓評会出品酒を楽しむ会「JOY OF SAKE」の東京で表彰されます。東京以外にも、ニューヨークとホノルルで今年は「JOY OF SAKE」が開催されました。

とても長い歴史を実は持っているこの「JOY OF SAKE」ですが、東京での開催はこれらの都市の中でも最後の開催となります。時期も11月ということで、まさに日本は寒さが厳しくなり、日本酒が恋しい季節に行われます。





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Joy of Sake Tokyo

By Kosuke Kuji
"The U.S. National Sake Appraisal" that has been held every year since 2001 was held again this year. Entries of over 350 sakes are evaluated by 10 judges from Japan and the U.S. After the judging results, a "Gold Award" and a "Silver Award" is given to the top scored sakes, and additionally a "Grand Prize" and "Second Grand Prize" are awarded to the sakes that scored the highest in overall evaluation from the gold awards. 

This year's grand prize and second grand prize are announced on our homepage.

Of those winners, we are excited that our company's Tokubetsu Junmai won the Second Grand Prize in Junmai category.

The award ceremony will be held at "Joy of Sake" in Tokyo.  Also, "Joy of Sake" was held in New York and Honolulu besides Tokyo.

It is a fact that "Joy of Sake" has a very long history, and out of all these cities, this one to be held in Tokyo will be the last gathering.  To be held in November, it is a time when it is getting extremely cold in Japan and it's a very good season to enjoy drinking sake. 

To be held in Gotanda in Tokyo, there is a lot of excitement with lots of Japanese and foreigners living in Japan attending.

There are many different sake gatherings in Japan, but there are probably only a few of them like ours with so many foreigners attending.

This is a meeting where you can find out the trend of sake around the world while you are in Japan.

There are sakes introduced by U.S. breweries recently and you may call this an evaluation meeting of worldwide scale that is very much alive.

It's the same for sake category of International Wine Challenge (IWC), sake is being evaluated in different ways worldwide, not only in Japan, many new people are coming to the meetings to enjoy sake, and I can only help but feel that Japanese sake is becoming the sake of the world.

酒豪大陸「JOY OF SAKE 東京」



この表彰式は、全米日本酒歓評会出品酒を楽しむ会「JOY OF SAKE」の東京で表彰されます。東京以外にも、ニューヨークとホノルルで今年は「JOY OF SAKE」が開催されました。

とても長い歴史を実は持っているこの「JOY OF SAKE」ですが、東京での開催はこれらの都市の中でも最後の開催となります。時期も11月ということで、まさに日本は寒さが厳しくなり、日本酒が恋しい季節に行われます。





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