- Hashtag "#uchikuraco" returned 1977 results.
We just updated the site to be mobile friendly. You can see the before and after image of the site on iPhone.
Thank you, Taylor for helping me on this.
To make postinheaven mobile-friendly, please add the following code to the <head> tag .
Paste this underneath the <title> tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
Paste this before "</head>" the closing head tag:
<style type="text/css">
* {
I created a site inspired by the NHK Documentary called "Wind Telephone". The idea behind this website is simple.
If you could say just a few words to someone you love in Heaven, what would you say?
Whatever you write on this site is private. We even purchased and installed SSL (Secure Software to Make Internet Communication Encrypted). If you need send message or prayer or just need to say something, just write it and press send. I founded that it actually makes me feel little better. Try it and let me know what you think. If you like it, please shred it with your friend. I hope you like it. (There is no fee nor any obligation.)
It has been a week since the initial release (pre-release) ... right away, I found few things that need to be fixed. I just got the report saying those are fixed ... I will re-release it soon.
I created a little site that you can write and send.
I am not going to explain this site.
Please just let me know what you think?
The site is secured and what you write will never be shown.
I feat what comes next but I also fear how long we can stay the same.
When I try setting up a site to sell/advertise products and services online, I learned it is not easy. Why can't I just list what I want to sell online?
That is the basic idea behind Kiroboto. With Kiroboto, you can just register you or your company and start posting products and services for FREE. No string attached. You can write a link to your website, eBay listing or Amazon listing if you want. There is no fee. On top of the Kiroboto carries no advertisement.
We just released the first public pre-beta release for Seattle area only. Please try it. And if you have question, contact me at ken Uchikura.
You may have noticed that I have slow down the progress of PHP learning. It is not because I am getting lazy, but I am requiring more time to understand what I am doing.
File uploading is a very important feature of any program. I want t make sure I understand it.
This was one of the hardest to make it work.
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