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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog


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Good morning from Tokyo

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Good morning from Tokyo
You are looking at Shijyuku area, one of many downtowns in Tokyo metro area. There was an earthquake in Tokyo last night. It was not big. It feels like being on the cruse ship.

It looks like another beautiful day here in Tokyo. People here are not too concerned about earthquakes or after shocks. They are keeping their eyes on nuclear power plans.

- - - Below is not confirmed - - -

I have heard there are 50 employees of Tokyo Electric Co. volunteered to stay at the plants to manually cooling the systems. Needless to say, they are exposed to higher radiation. Japanese government raised the radiation safety limit yesterday, so 20 more people can go to the plants.

The prime minister said "thank you" to those people on TV. I think he know those people will not survive the radiation. CNN called them "HEROS".

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