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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

Battle of FREE Wi-Fi

Battle of FREE Wi-Fi
Remember Starbucks did not offer free Wi-Fi for a long time?
I was at Starbucks yesterday and fond two free Wi-Fi services.
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Mail Service Upgrade

Mail Service Upgrade
We just completed mail server upgrade from POP3 to IMAP/POP3 which PSPINC internally developed. With this upgrade, you can either continue to use POP3 or setup IMAP to synchronize all PC, tablets and Smart Phones.

For more detail, please contact Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.
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Made in the USA by PSPINC

Made in the USA by PSPINC
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This is a picture I took with iPad (3)

This is a picture I took with i...
This is the original size picture I took with iPad (3rd Gen). Very nice.
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Panorama View

Panorama View
Creating a panorama picture is easy using software like PhotoStitch which came with Canon camera. The original pictures were taken using iPhone and I used PhotoStitch to put them together.
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iPad is Here!

iPad is Here!
I just received the new iPad ... I am retiring 2 year old original iPad. Original iPad works fine except there is no camera.
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When was the last time you see CRT TV?
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IMAP is Here!!!

IMAP is Here!!!
IMAP Now Available for All DreamersI.netUsers. But What Does That Mean?

I do not wish to bore you with the technical details about how email systems in work, but it is worth mentioning what the IMAP service means for you.

Until now, all email PSPINC provided was using a system called POP. POP works like regular mail that you get from the post office. When email comes to your inbox, you go out to get it. When you take out the mail and read it, the mailbox becomes empty again. All email that you receive through a POP system is stored in mail software like Outlook, Live Mail, Thunderbird or Mac Mail.

IMAP is different. When you receive email using IMAP, you are not downloading the email to your computer, it stays in the server. You read, file, organize, reply to, and delete all your email on the server instead of on your computer. You can always download any and all email to your PC anytime you wish, but the purpose of IMAP is to manage all your email on the server.

So Why Would You Want IMAP Over POP?

There are basically two reasons you may want to use IMAP. The main reason would be multiple device support. Because emails are managed on the server rather than after they are downloaded to your computer, all devices that access mailbox on the server can see emails the way they are stored in the server. So, when you delete email from your computer, the same email is deleted from your inbox when you check it from your smart phone or tablet. This is a great feature to have if you check your email from multiple devices like PC, Laptop, Tablet, and Smart Phone.

The second reason why you might want to use IMAP is security. Because all emails are stored on the server, when you lose your computer, it will not hold any email that may contain sensitive information. All you have to do is to change the password, and your email cannot be accessed from your lost computer.

Is IMAP for Everybody?

No, it is not. Because your emails stay on the server all the time, you cannot access your email when you are cut off from the Internet. However, since people are more connected to the Internet than ever, this may not be much of a problem anymore. But for this very reason, our new mail service supports both POP and IMAP.

Another item that one must consider is storage space on the server. The minimum setting for is 10GB of storage space for 10 email accounts, which should be enough for a few years of email for average business use. However, because IMAP stores all emails on the server, you many need to add more space unless you delete old emails to make space for new ones, which you can always do for a nominal fee. Just ask a PSP Inc. representative.

We are upgrading your email service to a new server, but it should be exactly the same to you. We are even moving your email from the old server as well. When the move is complete, PSP Inc. will notify you. From then on, you will be able to use new IMAP feature on

Setting Up IMAP On Your Email Software

If you would like to setup your email clients to work as IMAP, please contact PSP Inc. and our qualified support staff will be glad to help you make the transition. Thank you for choosing and PSPINC.

You can contact PSPINC at or call 1-425-957-0808 / 1-800-232-3989
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Next Software

Next Software
We are planning to release a software that resides in the Windows Server to monitor the activities. When a service or an application becomes inactive (unresponsive) this software kills the service or application and restart it.

If the service or application fails to restart, the software reboot the Windows Server and alert the administrator what it did. This automates many of the problems Windows Server administrators have to do.

This software has been in use at PSPINC data center for more than 8 years. We are finally making this available to you. For more information, contact me at

The code name for this product is called "NT Reboot".
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Not iPad 3 ...

Not iPad 3 ...
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