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PSPINC CEO Kenichi Uchikura's Blog
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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989

PSPINC CMS Update!!!

PSPINC CMS Update!!!
We are planning our next Webdexpress release on Tuesday, August 25th. Below are the features we will be making:

- New responsive theme
- iPad bug fixes
- New feature: Custom Script (enable users to add custom Javascript)
#Computer #Internet

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Practice Makes It ...

Practice Makes It ...
Nobody can do anything without practice. Cab you imagine how much time it takes for Blue Angels to perfect their shows. Even with lots of practice, you sometime make mistake.

It is same for IT services. We need to practice so that we are ready for the worst case scenario but we always hope for the best. We need to practice more so we can do everything even with our eyes close.
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Linked In

Linked In
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I have been using MacPro for many years and because it is 32bit system, I cannot upgrade to the latest operating system. But I thought I will get by using the apps that I have now. Lately I am starting to see more slow downs and freezes than before.

I might have to buy a new mac. I do not like current MaPro and MacMini is too small. Why does Apple drop making the computer that looks like a computer?
#Computer #Internet

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Mail Client Software Marketshare

Mail Client Software Marketshare
#1 Apple iPhone 28% -0.48
#2 Gmail 16% -1.5
#3 Apple iPad 11% +0.01
#4 Outlook 9% +1.35
#5 Google Android 9% +0.76
#6 Apple Mail 8% +0.28
#7 4% -0.48
#8 Yahoo! Mail 4% +0.06
#9 Windows Live Mail 2% +0.06
#10 AOL Mail 1% +0.1

Where is Thunderbird?
I don't really believe this statistics but as a mail server software developer, we need to support all email client software.
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Stress and Internet

Stress and Internet
It may be me but there is a direct relationship between the stress level and speed of Internet access. Faster the access is less stress you feel. I was on vacation so I should not be feeling stressed about not having fast Internet, but I really did.
#Computer #Internet

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What Makes PSPINC Different?

What Makes PSPINC Different?
We pride ourselves in providing the best customer support. Please take a look at the conversation between our customer and our support on PSPINC Facebook.
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New Search Site

New Search Site New Search Site New Search Site
I giving this search site a try. So far so good.

The search engine that doesn't track you. A superior search experience with smarter answers, less clutter and real privacy.
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Which Works The Best

Which Menu Button Wprks The... Which Menu Button Wprks The Best? Here are result... Here are result …
Out of those four MEWNU buttons on your web, which button works the best … most intuitive?
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MacPro is Nearing the End

I an not go any newer than 10.... I an not go any newer than 10.7.5
I have 16GB of Memory and 360GB SSD as a boot drive
Fast Enough but No OS upgrades Fast Enough but No OS upgrades Safari Crashes Safari Crashes
I have been a MacPro user for a while but my MacPro is old and could not keep up with the latest upgrade anymore. Lately, Safari is not working very fast and crashes once in a while. I think my MacPro is nearing the end of its useful life. I am happy with what I got but I may have to buy newer Mac … I guess I need to go 64bit OS-X compatible platform.
#Computer #Internet

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