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Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (AKA PSPINC)
1404 140th PL NE, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA
425-957-0808 or 800-232-3989
Heinrich’s Law
There are few theories that I believe and try to follow. One of them is called Heinrich’s Law. It is also known as Accident Pyramid. According to the WiKi, Herbert William Heinrich was an American industrial safety pioneer from the 1930s. Instead of boring you by quoting what the law is, I will explain how I understand it.
The law says, for every major accident, there are 30 times more minor accidents. For every minor accident, there are 10 times more non-injury accidents (or happenings). What that means to me is to prevent major accidents, look for minor accidents and happenings. If you can eliminate those small accidents, we should be able to prevent major accidents.
Let’s apply that to our day to day business. If one customer complains about something, and if we do nothing after 10 complaints, we will face minor problems. If we face 30 minor problems, there will be a major problem. So, listen to your small complaints and fix them while they are small.
We are running a datacenter and there are many problems. We try to take every small problem seriously so that will will be able to avoid big problems. Every big problem we have, we look back and see all the signs. We just have to keep our eyes and ears on them.
Welcome back, Mayumi!
Nano was really happy to see you.
Mayumi Nakamura, PSPinc's Director of Business Development, had very fruitful business trip to Jaoan and came back today. She brought some goodies from Japan.
What do you think of this new avatar?
I love it.
Incident Reporting System being demo to Network/Server Team.
We have developed an incident reporting system to unify all reporting when there is a problem. This service is developed internally t be used as internal system.
Speak Louder
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." It is a strategy called "Big Lie" used by many but most well known used by Adolf Hitler. But it is still used by many politicians and businesses. The concept is that people will believe anything if it was repeated many times by many people.
It does not really have to be a lie. In Japan many things become booms. When a famous TV caster said Bananas are good for your health, so many people bught bananas that bananas sold out. When people said someone is a racist repeatedly, people will think that person is a racist. When people say certain software is good, they believe it is.
It is propaganda and it is used a lot now using the power of Internet. When some YouTuber broadcasts something and it is played millions of times, it is a powerful message. People know advertisements are basically a business tool to sell something, but social media is considered unbiased so people will believe them easier.
Internet is a very powerful propaganda tool. You as a business person need to utilize it. It is easier and cheaper than traditional media. So what's your strategy to speak louder?
How did I do???
80% of you think customers are happy.
In fact only about 30 of people are happy.
Customers will not teach you how to run your business.
But if you do not know what your customers felling, you have no business running business.
OpinionStnad is a easy to implement and easy to use opinion gathering system.
PSPinc's domain-web-email hosting services are accepted in one of the most competitive markets in the world, Japan. Check out the future rich hosting environment for your company.
Mayumi just left for Japan.
She will be back in 10 days.
I am a driver today and dog sitter for next 10 days.
https://my.pspinc.com Portal
If you wish to buy a domain ... you can go here.
You can start from https://www.dreamersi.com
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (PSPinc) has launched the My.PSPINC.com enabling you to manage your accounts with us. You can buy, add, charge and renew your Internet service with PSPinc.
We just launched the new http://www.dreamersi.com where you can purchase a new domain / web / email for your business.
You can order everything online or if you wish to talk t people, you can call us on our business hours.
1-800-232-3989 or 1-425-957-0808
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